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  1. CeazMAN

    Need Help bypassing password

    Yo, waddup, G Just got a laptop and Im trying to bypass the password, on windows 8.1 Two errors, One, cant use Kon-Boot 2.5 or other bypassing ware, tried it. Mainly because it always autoloads the Guest account, and there aint much I can do in there. Tried installing Kali Live so I can crack...
  2. CeazMAN


    How about we all vote to uncensor the F word. Come on, I cant be the only one who hates those four little stars.
  3. CeazMAN

    PS2 copy protection.

    Hello, I finally converted my game file for socom naval blah into an ISO. After putting into PS2ISO file on internal with mM and trying to load with rebug ps2 launcher. I get a "Copy Protection" error, and I dont know how to get by this. I already tried searching on google, I just get things...
  4. CeazMAN

    Best app for music, requires jailbreak.

    For those of you who don't already know. "MusicBox" is thee best app for downloading music. Add "" to sources. Not the only repo it's on.
  5. CeazMAN

    The Android Tutorial

    The Android Tutorial QUICK TIP! : If your headphones don't seem to be working play music with them plugged in and pull them out and back in again very quickly while the music is playing. Press play again and you will see an immense difference. Step 1. Rooting your Phone NOTE: ROOTING YOU...
  6. CeazMAN

    PSN spoofers Patched- 4.66

    PSN spoofers are patched as of lastnight. Switch to habib4.66 cex if you want to play online. I dont know for dex. Cappi isnt supported on habib4.66, so no rtm/rte.
  7. CeazMAN


    Can you comment links to sites where I can download games?
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  • @ S.B:
  • @ S.B:
    Been a while since I've shown my face here lol
  • @ S.B:
    How is the gaming universe, is PS5 now the next best thing?
  • @ Curdawg:
    I need new ps3 console id's their all banned
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  • @ S.B:
    Hi there @Curdawg, please wait until a console ID is posted from a member of our team
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  • @ Curdawg:
    okay sorry do you know where i could go to find one
  • @ S.B:
    @qmt please message privately when you see this. That is if you have the ability to
  • @ S.B:
    Not at the moment @Curdawg... you just have to be patient and wait. Thanks
  • @ QM|T_JinX:
    @S.B yea i can private om you if you like.
  • @ S.B:
    Yea message me ASAP
  • @ S.B:
    I am about to board my flight but I am curious about some
  • @ QM|T_JinX:
    I have send pm bro
  • @ QM|T_JinX:
    Where you. Going. Lol
    @ lurch6661: :weed: