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    World News (URGENT) - Trump to declare National Emergency 1/8/2019 at 9pm eastern time Tonight

    Sources: Recently, President Trump has shutdown the...
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    World News - Partial Government Shutdown in 4 Days

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    World News (Critical/Urgent) - Homeland Security warns people to prepare "Lights Out!" for 6 months

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    World News (URGENT) - Ukraine to be under "state of war"

    Source:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^search Many people...
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    World News - Don't believe in weather modification?

    And this is a section for news not for gaming help
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    World News - Fox News Admits government using DEW Laser weapon technology 1 year before CA fires

    Source: Many people have been skeptical of what is truly going on worldwide and many...
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    World News - Don't believe in weather modification?

    Where in the title "user submitted news" does it say Gaming?
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    World News - Don't believe in weather modification?

    It's news, the title is World News
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    World News - Don't believe in weather modification?

    Source: Many people have heard and seen strange lines of clouds in the skys coming from aircrafts but is it natural contrails? Experts and scientists have discussed that it seems unnatural and seems like it is a way to modify the weather. According to sources, there are...
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    World News - Is Antarctica the new Area 51?

    Sources: Many people have been hearing about UFO's and Area 51 but recently, people have been...
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    World News - Migrants file a Lawsuit against Trump and US Government

    Source: Many people have heard about thousands of illegal immigrants trying to break into the US border but it seems they aren't as nice as people have said. US President...
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    World News - Thousands of Illegal Immigrants break into the US Border

    Sources: Many people have been talking...
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    World News - Cyber Switch (Internet Change)

    Sources: Many people have been thinking about the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)'s modification to the internet by adding encryption keys. As of now, they plan to have 7 master...
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    World News - Cyber security Expert McAfee warns what the Presidential Alert is capable of

    Source: Many people have been talking about technology being used as a spy tool. Cyber Security expert McAfee tweets: "The "Presidential alerts": they are capable of accessing the E911 chip in your phones - giving them full access to...
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    World News - Conscience stealing Technology (RFID Microchip)

    Source: Many people have seen in movies of humans merging with technology for super powers and scientists have been trying to make it possible. For many scientists, the technology of transferring...
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    World News - Weird People on TV or TV Glitch? (This might scare you)

    Source: For many years, people have been saying reptilians or people with lizard eyes are real but is this true? Evidence shows people on TV acting strangely and having reptilian eyes. People say that reptilians can transform into anyone. UFO's are now seen worldwide in the sky and could be in...
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    World News - This is what they're putting in your water!

    Source: Have you ever wondered if your water is safe or is clean? Recently, people and scientists have found pharmaceutical drugs of many kinds into your water! Bottles of water even contain the plastic and...
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    World News - CDC, FDA and the government allows this in your Food!

    Source: The CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and FDA [Food and Drug Administration] has admitted that it is okay for insect and rodent feces and fragments such as head, legs, arms etc in your food such as canned foods, muffins, etc. By eating insect and rodent fragments, it can...
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    World News - Kanye West's Speech Decoded

    Kanye West exposes the (((music award system))) and the (((music and radio industry))). The (((radio industry))) is known to play the same songs over and over even on different (((channels))). The people have been lied to indicating the (((media))) and (((other sources))) that contain (((fake...
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    World News - Is your food fake food?

    For many years, people have been coming across many diseases and fake foods might be the reason. These foods might be cheap and/or expensive foods but they might not be real food. If you eat these fake foods everyday they can lead to health risks as some may be grown in labs, from cloned...
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