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  1. TrollArch

    [Discussion] packet injecting xbox one

    hello one and all, I was wondering if you can intercept and inject packets to game servers on xbox one or even your local network (offline use) to modify game play or even use trainers in games offline for example we had rpc mods (caller is client, executer is server).
  2. TrollArch

    Banned Console ID #4363

    how can you not know.... ive stated it several time's ( REALITY GAMING ) DO I HAVE TO TALK IN CAPITAL'S JUST FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND ME ? DO YOU NEED GLASS'S ? MAYBE YOU SHOULD GO TO SPECSAVER'S SOME TIME :troll: peace im out have nice day and let me know when you get some respect from a set of...
  3. TrollArch

    Banned Console ID #4363

    ok i think iv'e gatherd enough info to say you're about 13 years old and don't understand english very well, with very little self respect if your not 13 and like 18+ grow up dude show people some gratitude.
  4. TrollArch

    Banned Console ID #4363

    well i think we've all established the type of person you are.
  5. TrollArch

    Banned Console ID #4363

    and one last thing i dont care who posted the CID, but what i do care about is respect and not much of that goes around these days.
  6. TrollArch

    Banned Console ID #4363

    lol its people like yourself that put the jailbreak scene into termoil pretty sure you would want credits if it was your cid you posted... am i right or am i wrong.
  7. TrollArch

    Banned Console ID #4363

    listen dont you mean read, maybe if you could read you would know i stated the real credits ( ConsoleModding From Reality Gaming ) there can you read that abit better...? :troll:
  8. TrollArch

    Banned Console ID #4363

    you credited the wrong person its not from here its from reality gaming at least credit the actual person who posted it, what don't you get about what i said?
  9. TrollArch

    Banned Console ID #4363

    maybe you should put the real credits rather than its not from here at all :troll: -> ConsoleModding from reality gaming
  10. TrollArch

    Banned Console ID #4231

  11. TrollArch

    Banned Console ID #4213

    says "Access to sony entertainment network from this system has been banned or temporarily suspended"
  12. TrollArch

    Banned Console ID #4213

  13. TrollArch

    Banned Console ID #4211

    S Y S T E M B A N N E D
  14. TrollArch

    Banned Console ID #4208

    wow nice post man still working :happy:
  15. TrollArch

    Banned Console ID #4199

    lol spoofing doesnt make a differnce i dont know how many times ive siad this but soon as you sign in sony logs it and they notices all the differnt mac adress tied to that one cid , if you change your mac sony cant read it and therefore log it, ps you must think sony dont notice the id...
  16. TrollArch

    Banned Console ID #4193

    lol you do realise spoofing a cid only draws attention, it gets logged soon as you sign in and notices all the differnt mac address's tied to that one CID, if you changed your mac sony cant read it and it wont get logged
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