Hope you lot give thanks to Mark Stimson Of HLM
i was the real O.G that launched the LTS sprx now we see 100s of sprx makers, ~**** you Hudson This goes out to you. Hope that hurts your sales
Shout of to the countless C+P coders who are going on like gods right about now, because i released the leak and you think that your ghetto superstars
Chad Bellend your a weak ass smelly frag, heres your profile, going out like your god, i owned you all
Yeah as for the rest of you beggers here is the link floating about on mediafire.
This link
(removed by request) <---- yeah well guess what click it now i edited the link, i owned cfw and i fucked you all 
Hudson owned
Greed gets you nowhere my sons
Dont forget Jessy who made the featured video on EXdrive sprx
You helped out Hudsons greed Cant forget to give you credit my son
Heres his facebook if anybody wants to give him thanks AKA LTS team who might wanna **** him up lol
Today, @Cameron_dev seems to have leaked the source code to LastManStanding (LTS) GTA 5 SPRX menu. You will need to compile with Sony SDK.
Credits: @Mark Stimson HLM

Shout of to the countless C+P coders who are going on like gods right about now, because i released the leak and you think that your ghetto superstars
Chad Bellend your a weak ass smelly frag, heres your profile, going out like your god, i owned you all
Yeah as for the rest of you beggers here is the link floating about on mediafire.
This link

Hudson owned
Greed gets you nowhere my sons
Dont forget Jessy who made the featured video on EXdrive sprx

Heres his facebook if anybody wants to give him thanks AKA LTS team who might wanna **** him up lol

Today, @Cameron_dev seems to have leaked the source code to LastManStanding (LTS) GTA 5 SPRX menu. You will need to compile with Sony SDK.
- Vehicle customisation ?
- Change model ?
- Spawn vehicles ?
- Spawn pedestrians ?
- Play character animations ?
- Teleport ?
- Modified weapons ?
- Account (Money, Rank, Unlocks, DLC) ?
- Spawn objects ?
- Change weather ?
- Online Trolling ?
- Modders Protection ?
- Vehicle Editor ?
- Garage Editor ?
- Recovery Menu ?
- & a hell of a lot more!
Credits: @Mark Stimson HLM
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