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Fursan al-Aqsa Demo Released


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In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and all friends

Peace be upon you

This is the Free Demo of the game Fursan al-Aqsa - Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque. The main objective of this demo is to let players test the Combat Mechanics, give me a feedback, and enjoy killing some zionist soldiers

Download PC Version:
Download PS3 Version:
Download Xbox360 Version:
This is just a testmap which does not represent the final game's visuals, it was just projected to focus on gameplay and urban warfare (kinda training scenario), simulating the combat situations players will face on the final game, God's willing.

The enemies A.I is very smart and dynamic, the enemies can feel your presence, if you get too much close to them, or if you shoot at their direction. They also will hunt you until death

I tried to make the game very realistic, yet, keeping it a videogame. So, dying is very easy, also killing enemies is not very hard. I placed many healthpacks around the map to help you recover your health.

You need to plan each shot, you need to be very strategic and try to avoid the enemies bullets as much as you can. You need to jump a lot and use the crouch button, to manually deviate from the bullets, to take cover behind objects and walls.

I tried to avoid implementing a cover system like Gears of War, instead, I opted by a manual cover system, because it feels more realistic, organic, and challenging. By pressing the pause button (ESC key on PC), you can see the Controller/Keys Configuration with all gameplay commands.

You can kill any enemy with just one certain headshot, and the more headshots you perform, you get a higher ranking.

Inside the demo's download package I added 3 Readme files (English, Portuguese and Arabic) with complete information on how to install and configure the game, how to use gamepad with PC, the list of some known bugs, and other informations. Please read it before playing.

So I hope everyone likes this demo and enjoy playing it. This is just a glimpse of what awaits you on the final game.

Cheers and until next update!

P.S: I need to take a break some days to recharge my batteries
Nice helping out
Fursan al-Aqsa - Demo feedback and player's reception

In this article I made an analysis of the feedback I received for my game's demo and general player's reception.

Hello my friends,

Today two weeks have passed since the release of Fursan al-Aqsa Training Mission, the free demo of my game, and I came here especially for saying a BIG THANK YOU ALL FOR PLAYING MY GAME, IT HAS BEEN A HUGE SUCCESS WHICH I HAVE NEVER IMAGINED IT COULD BE!

It even topped the list of popular games on IndieDB, as you can see from this screenshot below:


Also the number of downloads is almost reaching 500, and each day there are some new people downloading my game (5 to 10 downloads a day). For some people this number maybe very small, however for me, this is indeed a milestone for my project. For someone who is doing everything alone, and manually, I think I have done an excellent job marketing and promoting my game arround the web.

Despite the strong political and religious content of my game, people simply loved it, especially the gameplay mechanics. My game is being called as "An Islamic Max Payne with the violence of Hotline Miami and the difficulty of Dark Souls".

WOW, having my game compared with some of the most important gaming franchises of all times is simply and honor for me!

I am very optimistic now and I am sure that my game has potential to be one of the best indie game of 2020, Insha Allah (God's willing)!

Other important step I have taken, and I am sure this will help my game to receive even more visibility, is that I sent thousands of press releases for thousands of gaming websites and youtube channels, from small to big ones like IGN and Gamespot. I also submitted my game to many indie events, like BostonFig, IndieCade, Independent Games Festival, Brazil Game Show, Brazil Independent Games Festival, PAX, Bit Summit, and many others.

Until now I received two positive answers, from BostonFig and IndieCade, even though they said my game is still being analysed by the event judges, to decide wether it will be showcased or not. Anyway, I hope they will acept my game, and until these events, I will be able to finish the full game (Episode 1).

So, thanks to Allah (God), and for all this wonderful community, my game is simply kicking asses :)

My game also received many reviews from Youtubers, even though the marjority of these are from Brazillian Playstation Scene Members, but any review and feedback, for me is VERY IMPORTANT!

So here follows some of the reviews so far.

And here follows some screenshots of another map I am working on, Jenin - The Camp of Resistance:






Cheers from Brazil :) and untill next update.
For today I want to showcase the WIP of this new map I am working for my game. Now I already exported the level geometry to Unreal Engine 3 and made the exterior lighting. Next step will be add the props.






Another new update:

Please take a look at this gameplay of #FursanAqsaGame by my friend @TheGeek40. My game is very optimized for running on almost any PC, but on actual gen PC (gaming pcs) it runs at 60fps or even more!

That's a great achievement!

And here is the game running at 250 fps on a top notch gaming PC:

For today's #screenshotsaturday I want to showcase the new props I added to my map, still have a bunch of others to add, but I think they are fitting well together. I also changed some textures. #FursanAqsaGame #Palestinewillbefree #UE3 #UnrealEngine #indiedev #indiegames #3DSMax





Hey guys!

Here follows the Showcase of the new map for my game, Fursan al-Aqsa Training Camp, for players training the basic commands of the game and prepare for the great battles that will be faced in this Journey for Revenge and Liberation of al-Aqsa Mosque!

Allah Akbar!











Hello guys!

Small update here.

I already began working on the Campaign Missions of #FursanAqsaGame. Each mission will have a cool intro cutscene animation, a triumphal entry in the best James Bond Goldeneye 007 Style!


By the way, I already created a very simple, easy and clean visual programming workflow for the mission objectives. So now It's very fast for me setup some cool mission objectives, like destroy security cameras, find specific items, sabotage enemies weapons, disguise, deactivate alarms, and so on.




For this #ScreenshotSaturday I want to showcase another Campaign Mission of #FursanAqsaGame. This map (a revamped version of the demo map) is based on Camp Ariel Sharon, a complex of IDF Bases in Southern Israel. In this mission you bravery infiltrate on this base to spoil Israel's evil plots against Palestinian Civillians, seeking victory or your martyrdom!

By the way, I already have choosen the name for this first episode: Fursan al-Aqsa Episode 1 - Call of Jihad :D :D :D












For this #ScreenshotSaturday I want to showcase the new enemies classes I created for my game #FursanAqsaGame, also I created a new skin for my game's protagonist, especially for a brand new explosive game mode: Suicide Operations. #UE3 #UE4 #UnrealEngine #IndieDev #FreePalestine

Episode 1 is coming very soon, Insha Allah. I hope you all will have a very cool gaming experience, especially the Shooter fans out there.

Cheers and until next update.



Fursan al-Aqsa Drone Gameplay

Hello guys!

I want to showcase a brand new vehicle which will be used on some Campaign Missions of Fursan al-Aqsa Game.

Intelligence in times of war means killing your opponents with their own weapons...

Enjoy this new gameplay showing off the drone, which you will use in many missions across the Campaign Mode of #FursanAqsaGame




For today I want to showcase a new map I am making for #FursanAqsaGame.

This will be a Mossad Office Headquarter, the Israeli Secret Service.

Your mission is to infiltrate on the office, and find some important documents about a new attack Israel is planning against Palestine.







Here I showcase the first person mode for some guns of my game, especially the pistols, greatly inspired by the classic Goldeneye 007.


My game is a Third Person Shooter, however, listening to the desire and feedback of many players who played my game`s first demo, I added the possibility to change between first person and third person view at any time in the game, pleasing both worlds (FPS fans and TPS fans).

But for the sake of keeping this reference to Goldeneye 007, I decided to only add hands models to pistols (otherwise they will not look good), as for the rifles, they dont have first person arms. It`s a game design decision.

Also I manually made the reload and equip/holster weapons animation to remember as much as I can Goldeneye 007.

I hope you enjoy, and very soon I will release a new demo for my game, the "Infiltration Demo". More details soon.








Fursan al-Aqsa Announcement Trailer - All the Power to the People of Palestine


Watch the video: http://tiny.cc/om0zsz

Soundtrack by Rodrigo KTarse (https://www.youtube.com/user/rodrigo17290) the Great Insurgent Rapper of Brazil's Guetos!

Updated Demo

Download PC Version: http://tiny.cc/ym0zsz
Download PS3 Version: http://tiny.cc/zm0zsz
Download Xbox360 Version: http://tiny.cc/1n0zsz

This Updated Demo of Fursan al-Aqsa - Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque will allow players to have a taste of the Campaign Mode, which has a gameplay very similar to (and inspired by) the Classic Shooter Goldeneye 007, with many mission objectives to complete on each "mission", such as destroying security cameras, sabotaging some Israeli equipment, finding documents that reveal more details about the game’s plot, planting bombs, invading Israeli bases, finding and murdering a specific enemy, rescuing Palestinian civilians, hijacking vehicles, taking down planes.

Adding to this, there is a Multiplayer Map, Battle of Negev Desert, so you all can revive the Golden Days of Split Screen Multiplayer Games.

On consoles (PS3 and Xbox360), the multiplayer mode works outside the box, as for PC, you need to have 2 Xbox360 Gamepads for PC. However, it works aswell with ANY PC Gamepad through the Xbox360 Controller Emulator, which is already included with PC Version.

After you install the PC Version, just go to C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Fursan al-Aqsa Press Beta\Support\Xbox360ControllerEmulator.zip

All the intructions are there.

The full version of this game will be released in January 2021, Insha Allah (God's Willing)

I hope you all enjoy this updated demo, as there is too much love, dedication and many sleepless nights spent on this project.

Assalamu Alaykum, may the Peace be upon You!

Nidal Nijm.

Note: There is a small bug in the game (which does not interfere with gameplay), it is a bug in the version of Unreal Engine 3 that I am using. Sometimes, when the player leans against some walls and tries to shoot, the projectile of the weapon is not launched. To solve this, just tap in any direction (W, A, S, D / analog directional on consoles) and shoot again. This is because the starting point of the projectile launch in Unreal Engine 3 is calculated in relation to the position of the player's camera, and sometimes the camera is "pressed" on some walls when the player is too close, losing the starting point of calculation for launching the projectile.
Fursan al-Aqsa Infiltration - PC 64bit Patch


This is just the 64bit version of Fursan al-Aqsa Game Executable, which I am providing because some Windows 10 users are experiencing some crashes while running the game, as Win10 has some compatibility problems with old 32bit applications.To "install" this patch, simply copy the zip file to:

C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Fursan al-Aqsa Infiltration\Binaries\

Extract the zip file there, then run the game direcly:

C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Fursan al-Aqsa Infiltration\Binaries\Win64\FursanAqsaGame.exe
Very interesting indeed! Thank you for sharing, I can't promise I'll be able to try it but I like the post and wish you the best :) And our prayers go out for our Muslim friends, some if not most of us know more than the forced narrative and that it's a difficult time for them. I'll try to follow your project as you progress!
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