Recent content by KeuthHEN.

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  1. KeuthHEN.

    PS3 [HEN] Battlefield 4 Modded EBOOT

    Why so many EBOOTS on BLES/BLUS and not in NPUB Versions? THAT SUCKS !!!
  2. KeuthHEN.

    PS3 ---------------------------------------------------Battlefield 4 Teleport Eboot [HEN] [CFW]

    I hope this can work with NPUB Version. Anyways u have my Like. Keep going! --- EDIT: Didn't work on NPUB/NPEB Versions. Only on BLES/BLUS
  3. KeuthHEN.

    PS3 --------------------------------------------------------------Battlefield 3 Modded Eboot [HEN] [CFW]

    I Do this, but it seems doesn't work. And if I laucn the BF3 on the XMB of Multiman have an Infinity Load. I have HEN 4.88.
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