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Recent content by Knife

  1. Knife

    I'm good bro, long time no speak. How's things?

    I'm good bro, long time no speak. How's things?
  2. Knife


    Might check this out. Thanks.
  3. Knife

    common rpf help

    It needs to be the exact same size as the unedited version.
  4. Knife


    Okay, here goes.... I was chilling at home today, playing GTA, I don't have to pay for shit, this game is free to play... There's no in-game purchase, it's a game with purpose, GTA was always real until FIVE hit the surface...
  5. Knife

    I need help with fonts

    If you send me the photoshop file, I will make this look nice and slick for you. No charge, just gives me something to do. I'll be home on Monday night to do it.
  6. Knife

    [PS3/XBOX]★[OFW/CFW] GTA IV - Major Distribution Trident V13 +DOWNLOAD

    Probably using the source I posted on (7s) lol.
  7. Knife

    [PS3-XBOX] MDv11.3 EXTEND+ [UPDATED 23 FEB 2016] PS3-OFW Up now!

    I'm not going to use the blackscreen native, I have other methods of player removal.
  8. Knife

    [PS3-XBOX] MDv11.3 EXTEND+ [UPDATED 23 FEB 2016] PS3-OFW Up now!

    Ah, don't you just love a little bit of forum beef? To put it simply, JRDis nothing and probably never will be. Btw for those that know, I released my RGH RTM tool for GTA IV on (7s) and I'm currently working on porting it over to PS3 for you guys here. Had enough of these kids claiming to be...
  9. Knife

    [PS3-XBOX] MDv11.3 EXTEND+ [UPDATED 23 FEB 2016] PS3-OFW Up now!

    I've coded RTM tools, I've made my own personal menu, I have fixed minor bugs in MDv13 as well as my personal version of MDv11.03. I just don't post every little thing I do to get "e-fame". May I ask, what have your done though?
  10. Knife

    [PS3-XBOX] MDv11.3 EXTEND+ [UPDATED 23 FEB 2016] PS3-OFW Up now!

    Nah, I don't want any money... The video isn't mine. I also know exactly how it works.
  11. Knife

    [PS3/XBOX]★[OFW/CFW] GTA IV - Major Distribution Trident V13 +DOWNLOAD

    I should have the credit for the Xbox 360 version considering it's my files you've posted. :)
  12. Knife


    there you go, download in description.
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