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Recent content by Logan

  1. Logan

    miss you my boy

    miss you my boy
  2. Logan

    Coming out of retirement :D

    Coming out of retirement :D
  3. Logan

    the only one now

    the only one now
  4. Logan

    pm :)

    pm :)
  5. Logan

    lifes good how about you ive been busy with school almost done thought i would drop by and say hi

    lifes good how about you ive been busy with school almost done thought i would drop by and say hi
  6. Logan

    long time no see

    long time no see
  7. Logan

    not bad how about you

    not bad how about you
  8. Logan

    hey old buddy how are things

    hey old buddy how are things
  9. Logan

    i periodically get on

    i periodically get on
  10. Logan

    Goodbye CC

    you will always be a great friend crunch i will periodically check in with you just to see how you are but until then farewell buddy....
  11. Logan

    Goodbye CC

    goodbye buddy :)
  12. Logan

    Goodbye CC

    We have had a good run cc but life has finally caught up to me and sadly i dont have enough time to be contributing to the site anymore it was fun and i enjoyed my year and half of mod but all good things must end i will frequently be on to see how everyone is but sadly cannot be a mod anymore...
  13. Logan

    yo crunch can i at least get the title of retired staff please/

    yo crunch can i at least get the title of retired staff please/
  14. Logan

    [RELEASE]Crunchv1 [.gsc]

    We didn't leach this if you look at the date it was made by us
  15. Logan

    [RELEASE]Crunchv1 [.gsc]

    I don't really mod much anymore but pm me and maybe we can figure something out
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