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  1. T

    Banned Console ID #8459

    Testing this now.
  2. T

    Banned Console ID #8023

    thanks for this man
  3. T

    Banned Console ID #8022

    thank you much
  4. T

    CID Suggestment.

    Not purchase them, like a special user group. 1- Somebody wants to release IDs for the special user group, to where people ONLY in the group can see the ID. 2- You're not purchasing public IDs, cause without the membership you wouldn't be-able to see the IDs ;)
  5. T

    CID Suggestment.

    To stop CIDs from getting banned, so fast I would either. A) Set a post requirement. B) Make them post, before they can view the Console ID. C) Make A Special Group, you have to purchase to get them. I hope my suggestment(s), can go a long way to help everyone out here.
  6. T

    Noob you use all the CIDs and ban them on GTA go kys.

    Noob you use all the CIDs and ban them on GTA go kys.
  7. T

    Banned Console ID #5959

    Can confirm it is still working!
  8. T

    Xbox Server Owner - Enjoy it.

    Xbox Server Owner - Enjoy it.
  9. T

    PS3 Help #2

    Hey CC Members! I've got a fat ps3 running 4.78 d-Rex and a 32 GB USB. I was wondering if I could Downgrade and get it off drex before I shoot myself. If I can, can someone provide all nessacary files will let you hop on my CID. Thanks!
  10. T

    PS3 Jailbroken Help

    Hey in SEN there is a custom spoof option, i'm on 4.78 which should i go down to man?
  11. T

    PS3 Jailbroken Help

    There's a option in this homebrew which says 999 downgrader. Click that i assume.
  12. T

    PS3 Jailbroken Help

    How do I do this
  13. T

    PS3 Jailbroken Help

    Yup add my skype
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