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  • Bro...I been trying to inbox ur reply but I duno how to...apologise if I was rude yesterday on that post...but them ppl were arguing them selves...I need it help seing as ur the only soul that offerd lol...I bet this is like child's play to u...but GTA 5 is the main topic lol...I seen guys with mod menus doing all sorts...how does a noob do this stuff LMAO...
    ok nr 1

    do you have a jailbroken ps3?
    No bro...it's too late now...I had sum guy mess up my ps3 completely ...I gave him my account an now I can't go online...an the games I got dwn loaded on my ps say corrupted files...I duno wat he's done...hard finding a genuine hook up for this stuff...
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