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  1. JamesBboy


    Can someone post a download link of the game? Blus version, ive been looking online. But I need to be premium to download them -.-
  2. JamesBboy

    Ps3 VPN

    This was honesty the best answer ive gotten all day haha. Everyone else online makes it sound so damn hard haha.
  3. JamesBboy

    Ps3 VPN

    Can someone help/ tell me how to set up a vpn on ps3? Im getting tired of getting booted on league play..But its fine because I send over 250mbs right back at their asses xD I've been looking online, but most of them are all bad -.-... Any reply would be awesome :)
  4. JamesBboy

    PS3 [UPDATED] DEX/CEX 1.18 Public Cheater (NO WALLHACK BLUR) by TheSaltCracka

    Thank you so much haha, the blur thing would always make me miss when I ads -.- Because its just so weird.
  5. JamesBboy

    Banned Console ID #932

    Been banned for awhile now.
  6. JamesBboy

    PS3 Pro-Yousef RTM Tool [1.12] V3.0.0.0

    This copy an paste tho :D
  7. JamesBboy

    Building this beast..

    To show that hes got nothing else to do with his money? Lol xD But damn, thats a beast build!
  8. JamesBboy

    Bank Account Program

    Is it a good thing that I can still understand coding? Lol xD Its been like 1-2 years since I messed with code haha.
  9. JamesBboy

    Banned Console Id # 847

    People keep doing it to make idiots like you rage lol.
  10. JamesBboy

    need non-host offsets

    First link is NGU
  11. JamesBboy

    need non-host offsets

    Here..Could have just Googled it..but your welcome haha. I did it for you :D http://www.*************.com/forums/modern-warfare-3-mods-patches-tutorials/688645-release-new-mw3-offsets-no-host-offsets-2.html Or http://www.*********.com/forums/threads/all-ps3-1-24-offsets.1066275/
  12. JamesBboy

    Ps3 Ita Spoofer to 4.55

    Thanks :D
  13. JamesBboy

    Ps3 Ita Spoofer to 4.55

    Theres no link...
  14. JamesBboy

    PS3 Code Red Plus My Elite Key!

    Not really a good menu tho.
  15. JamesBboy

    PS3 ANY BODY GOT b ops 2 eboot blus?

    You shouldn't be using a modded eboot period haha. That is if you have a death wish for getting banned ASAP lol.
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