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  1. JamesBboy

    New Sony PS3 Update

    Its working now lol, Nvm.
  2. JamesBboy

    New Sony PS3 Update

    Yes, to the one you just posted. And it gives me the error still.
  3. JamesBboy

    New Sony PS3 Update

    Nvm.. Still gives me the error..
  4. JamesBboy

    New Sony PS3 Update

    I was just watching this lol, and yes it did haha.
  5. JamesBboy

    New Sony PS3 Update

    Just went to dex.. And it gives me the error code 8002A224 when I try to sign in. Help me please lol.
  6. JamesBboy

    ps3 4.55 is out

    I'm happy everyone else had a laugh, I'm just here... Feeling ashamed Lol.
  7. JamesBboy

    ps3 4.55 is out

    I was on dex for rebug, but now I'm on rogero because I had no clue on how to to get the dex online... yes I tried the region number changing thingy and it didn't work. So I just went to rogero for the time being.
  8. JamesBboy

    New Sony PS3 Update

    Update 4.55 just went live -.- So do not update until a spoofer is made if your on CFW! If you find a 4.55 spoofer, please post it below when it becomes available :D
  9. JamesBboy

    BO2 Console Banning!?

    Okay, since Ghost has been ruined with their banning and mw3 is full of "hackers" (lol) now I decide to play some BO2. After logging in with a new console id (thank you for whoever it was) I get the message ----> "This console device has been permanently banned from playing call of duty black...
  10. JamesBboy

    COD Ghost Banning

    I use both ps ninja v4 and psn patch
  11. JamesBboy

    COD Ghost Banning

    Just made 3 more different accounts.. All got banned -.- this is slowly. . Slowly pissing me off haha
  12. JamesBboy

    COD Ghost Banning

    I still got banned when I did that though..
  13. JamesBboy

    COD Ghost Banning

    I'm changing my Mac address right now. I'll tell you guys if it changes/helps with the ban from happening.
  14. JamesBboy

    COD Ghost Banning

    Its nice to have fun once in awhile you know lol xP
  15. JamesBboy

    COD Ghost Banning

    Lol, I'm done already :P
  16. JamesBboy

    COD Ghost Banning

    Close haha
  17. JamesBboy

    COD Ghost Banning

    Lol xD now that shiet made me laugh hard haha.
  18. JamesBboy

    COD Ghost Banning

    You must teach us your L33T Hexors haha
  19. JamesBboy

    COD Ghost Banning

    I meant the other guy, not you haha :P
  20. JamesBboy

    COD Ghost Banning

    They must really hate everyone else then lol xD.. Including me :'( haha
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