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  1. Restrain

    PS3 GTA IV RTM Tool - Name Changer - Heli Modifier!

    Hey guys, I recently started going through my old PC and found old projects that I never released so i thought i'd release one of them today. Nothing new, just something useful that doesn't require for you to quit the game entirely to just turn off rapid fire or other modifications. Enjoy...
  2. Restrain

    Cherry Blossom Beta - SOURCE - SPRX By Restrain

    Hey guys, I was working on this SPRX Project for a day. I chose not to finish it as my friends anti-ban method finally got patched and i literally couldn't test it online. So, here you guys go. You guys can make something out of it, or learn from it. This was Sharks original 1.20 base but...
  3. Restrain

    Banned Console ID #5469

    Banned confirmed by me and a friend.
  4. Restrain

    Banned Console ID #5469

    Probably you and the rest of the noobs that just make accounts here to get CID's and get them banned because they don't know anything on how to keep them unbanned.
  5. Restrain

    Banned Console ID #5469

    So many noobs here using CID's and don't have one single clue on how to keep it unbanned..... this pisses me off.
  6. Restrain

    PS3 Battlefield 4 SPRX [FREE]

    Nice! Any credits?
  7. Restrain

    PS3 Darkened Loading screen. WTH?!

    I think it is normal as this happens to me too. I'm not sure though.
  8. Restrain

    Lol. What are are talking about?

    Lol. What are are talking about?
  9. Restrain

    [PS3-XBOX] MDv11.3 EXTEND+ [UPDATED 23 FEB 2016] PS3-OFW Up now!

    Because there's something wrong with it. The same happens to me.
  10. Restrain

    [PS3-XBOX] MDv11.3 EXTEND+ [UPDATED 23 FEB 2016] PS3-OFW Up now!

    The new update.img seems like it won't let me join games. I just get stuck on the loading screen.
  11. Restrain

    [PS3-XBOX] MDv11.3 EXTEND+ [UPDATED 23 FEB 2016] PS3-OFW Up now!

    Yeah, I posted it and realized you had already fixed it.
  12. Restrain

    [PS3-XBOX] MDv11.3 EXTEND+ [UPDATED 23 FEB 2016] PS3-OFW Up now!

    Tried to make a private game and I just keep loading ( PS3, Re-released version ).
  13. Restrain

    [PS3-XBOX] MDv11.3 EXTEND+ [UPDATED 23 FEB 2016] PS3-OFW Up now!

    On PS3, I noticed that when i start a private game it doesn't show the host ( which is me ) although show host is Enabled. When i deactivate it to try and activate it again I freeze. Also, when i'm not host the frame rate drops to 20 and sometimes 18... Then the game gets really laggy. Although...
  14. Restrain

    [PS3-XBOX] MDv11.3 EXTEND+ [UPDATED 23 FEB 2016] PS3-OFW Up now!

    Don't worry about us bud, take your time :)
  15. Restrain

    [PS3-XBOX] MDv11.3 EXTEND+ [UPDATED 23 FEB 2016] PS3-OFW Up now!

    Yet again, people that have been abusing mods are white listed. bLaCK_DoT_KiLLa is white listed. I don't see why as he has done nothing to contribute with MD.
  16. Restrain

    [PS3-XBOX] MDv11.3 EXTEND+ [UPDATED 23 FEB 2016] PS3-OFW Up now!

    What do we name our personal sco addons? I want to add my custom car spawns :)
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