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Search results

  1. GamingGod

    4.50 ITA Online on 4.70 (Spoof)

    This thread will cover how get online with full functionality on 4.50 ITA What you will need 1.) A cfw ps3 running PS3ITA (Dex) 2.) Some way to install .pkg file 3.) CFW setup v4.99 ITA: http://www.mediafire.com/download/84a8qzspxs8xkwu/4.50PS3ITADEX.PUP ITA Spoof...
  2. GamingGod

    The "WankBand" By Pornhub -

    @Shiro Inu✿ @UnboundGodz isn't is beautiful ?
  3. GamingGod

    The "WankBand" By Pornhub -

    "Introducing The Wankband: The first wearable tech that allows you to love the planet, by loving yourself. Ladies and gentlemen, the power is your hand. At Pornhub, we’re concerned about the amount of energy consumed by our users while enjoying the millions of hours of content we provide on our...
  4. GamingGod

    PS3 Black Ops 2 RTM Base / Source

    So rather than posting codes and tuts on how to make a rtm tool, i thought i would just make a mini tool that has examples of how to do some tasks, so you guys can just download it and see how everything works :) Picture: Download...
  5. GamingGod

    You won (https://consolecrunch.com/threads/premuim-giveaway-1.11697/#post-126147)

    You won (https://consolecrunch.com/threads/premuim-giveaway-1.11697/#post-126147)
  6. GamingGod

    What's your paypal ? Ill send you the money for 1 month premium and you give it to user...

    What's your paypal ? Ill send you the money for 1 month premium and you give it to user: https://consolecrunch.com/members/athena_rage.34418/ also after that's done could you chage this to closed / ended https://consolecrunch.com/threads/premuim-giveaway-1.11697/#post-126147
  7. GamingGod

    Staff Position Open

    @Younis when does this end ?
  8. GamingGod

    What are the requirements for the A/M team ?

    What are the requirements for the A/M team ?
  9. GamingGod

    HOWTO-- Get Online After 4.70 Update [DEX Only]

    After the spoof is installed the debug settings disappear, reinstall the firmware too get them back :)
  10. GamingGod

    HOWTO-- Get Online After 4.70 Update [DEX Only]

    You didn't do the correct debug settings, reinstall the fw and do the steps again
  11. GamingGod

    4.70 Update Discussion. Effects for CFW users

    Why, they learn all that stuff and spend hours finding the correct keys and makeing the pkgs, why should they release it to people ?
  12. GamingGod

    Working, Online On 4.70 (Dex)

    If it helped you, help me by liking the post :)
  13. GamingGod

    Working, Online On 4.70 (Dex)

    you need multiman 4.66
  14. GamingGod

    HOWTO-- Get Online After 4.70 Update [DEX Only]

    Ayy b0ss "the help" Your thread is better formatted and easy to read :")
  15. GamingGod

    Working, Online On 4.70 (Dex)

    To rebug 4.65.2 ? Site Link: www.rebug.me Direct link: http://scmods.com/rebug/firmware/REBUG_4.65.2_D-REX_PS3UPDAT.PUP
  16. GamingGod

    Working, Online On 4.70 (Dex)

    Works on 4.65.2 CONFIRMED by 4 people now. Join the rebug master race, you know you want to xD
  17. GamingGod

    Working, Online On 4.70 (Dex)

    100% bro, i'm online now :)
  18. GamingGod

    Working, Online On 4.70 (Dex)

    i did it, works fine for meh
  19. GamingGod

    Working, Online On 4.70 (Dex)

    So this is only tested on 4.65.2 Rebug D-Rex as far as im aware, but in this thread i will tell you how to get online. All this is, is a modified vsh from 4.66 habib. since the 4.70 update wasn't mandatory dex can bypass it. so this method is 100% working at the time of me posting this (NOTE)...
  20. GamingGod

    Pirate Bay & Kick ass Back up

    Pirate bay has, kickass hasn't ;) And people from the uk need kickass cos TPB is blocked
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