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Search results

  1. GamingGod

    Pirate Bay & Kick ass Back up

    Awhile ago www.thepiratebay.se & www.kickass.so where down and i figured people knew they where back up. Today i got asked by a friend if i knew any torrenting websites as Kickass and TPB are down, i though most people knew but i guess not so i thought i would make a thread on it. TPB is back...
  2. GamingGod

    4.70 Update Discussion. Effects for CFW users

    Why better they release it, if i made one i wouldn't. too many kids modding that have no idea how any of it works. pisses me off and needs to stop somehow
  3. GamingGod

    4.70 Update Discussion. Effects for CFW users

    Sony could patch dex, they don't have much of a need for it now. the only thing it was ever there for was so devs could test aspects of there games And if they really tried i think they could patch cfw, it would cost them $$$ to do it though and probably make login times alot longer
  4. GamingGod

    4.70 Update Discussion. Effects for CFW users

    The only noticeable chage so far is the new PSN / SEN logo
  5. GamingGod

    4.70 Update Discussion. Effects for CFW users

    Some psn users have been prompted with the 4.70 Update others haven't, as of the time of this being posted there is no mention of the update on the sen website. The logical conclusion would be that it has only been released to some regions so far. So what will this mean for CFW users, The...
  6. GamingGod

    Ways To sign in on dex (After Spoofer / Protocol Patch)

    i put credits and also spoiler tags for both the methods when i first posted this, not sure what happened to it ..... but why would i credit ngu ? ngu didn't post it a member did. i would credit that member not ngu ...
  7. GamingGod

    Ways To sign in on dex (After Spoofer / Protocol Patch)

    Errors / problems the method may cause
  8. GamingGod

    Ways To sign in on dex (After Spoofer / Protocol Patch)

    No they wouldn't if you want your friends to appear go to dragon 4.66
  9. GamingGod

    Ways To sign in on dex (After Spoofer / Protocol Patch)

    So after sony patched spoofers most people think the only option is to switch to 4.66 habib cex. For some people they don't want to go to cex, and for others they can't for reasons such as they don't know how or they lost there eid root key. But luckily this thread will show you 2 ways you can...
  10. GamingGod

    Ended Premuim Giveaway #1

    I have never done a giveaway on this site before, so i thought i would host one. What it's for: 1 Month premium subscription to this site (www.consolecrunch.com) How To Enter: Like & Comment on this post. Winners Will Be Chosen A week from this being posted. -Good Luck ~Gaming God
  11. GamingGod

    Sign into ps3 semi fix!

    You should include credits (Link to the original ngu post) ~ http://www.*************.com/forums/ps3-cheats-customization/801489-how-getting-online-cfws-4-66-a-9.html
  12. GamingGod

    Staff Position Open

    @Younis Name: Charlie, Age: 16, Country: New Zealand. I know you said need to be 18, but i thought I'd give it a shot anyway I would be a good mod because. I can be active almost everyday I have been modding for a few years so know how to assist people with most problems they may encounter...
  13. GamingGod

    PS3 Black Ops 2 1.19 Rtm tool

    there is a updated version https://consolecrunch.com/threads/project-zhyper-v1-2.10897/
  14. GamingGod

    CCAPI on 4.66

    "Since Today, you are no longer able to connect on Playstation Network with a console using a firmware under 4.66. (For DEX & CEX). That's why, we made a quick new version for CCAPI 2.60. CCAPI rev2 is now compatible with a 4.66 CEX and usable online." ~Enstone You can download Rev2 version...
  15. GamingGod

    A Look At My Code Geass Coldboot

    It's the tokyo ghoul opening song, with hatsunes voice and then remixed
  16. GamingGod

    Why i am going to be inactive.

    So for the next few days i will not be on CC or any of my social media at all due to my laptops monitor breaking and i have to fix it. But over the next year i wont be on CC no where near as much as i was (I will still be on as much as i can). This is because last year i didn't attend school...
  17. GamingGod

    A Look At My Code Geass Coldboot

    Just a look at the coldboot that i made and use :p @Shiro Inu✿
  18. GamingGod

    What's the "A/M" Team ?

    What's the "A/M" Team ?
  19. GamingGod

    Hello "New Member" :trolol:

    Hello "New Member" :trolol:
  20. GamingGod

    The Best Emotional Game!

    Clearly advanced warfare Press "F" to pay respects
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