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  1. GamingGod

    PS3 Mini Black Ops 2 RTM Tool Source

    PICTURE: DOWNLOAD Virus scan: not needed as it is a source
  2. GamingGod


    @ace.3 This might help you https://consolecrunch.com/threads/putting-firmware-on-your-hdd.11093/
  3. GamingGod

    Putting Firmware On Your HDD

    What you will need: FTP client CFW PS3 Firmware you want to put on your hdd How To
  4. GamingGod


  5. GamingGod


    You would have to go down to 3.55 dex then back up to the firmware of your choice If you like i could link you to the 3.55 PUP ?
  6. GamingGod


    Do you know how to install new firmware, like put it on a usb and rename it and that ?
  7. GamingGod


    Yes, Are you cex or dex ?
  8. GamingGod

    BO2, MW3, BO1 Non Host & Stats Tool

    IMAGES: DESCRIPTION: This RTM Application is for, Black Ops 2, Black Ops 1, Modern Warfare 3, It allows you to edit the statistics and toggle non host modifications of each game, it works with CCAPI 2.60 And TMAPI. It has a the option to use speech recognition, a list of commands that can be...
  9. GamingGod

    Black Ops 2 Non Host Aimbot

    i wish it was never released, i like to play league on my ofw but that is imposable now
  10. GamingGod

    Hello "New Member" :trolol:

    Hello "New Member" :trolol:
  11. GamingGod

    What do you prefer, visual studio 2010 or 2013

    Some people prefer 2010 over 2013 and others 2013 over 2010, personally i prefer 2013. So out of 2010 and 2013 what one do you prefer, tell me in the comments what one and why :)
  12. GamingGod

    Hello "New Member" :trolol:

    Hello "New Member" :trolol:
  13. GamingGod

    What is needed to become a member of the cc dev team? :okay:

    What is needed to become a member of the cc dev team? :okay:
  14. GamingGod

    Fetching stats in a rtm tool

    Put this code in a button; I thought this code could be helpful for people making a rtm tool and want to show the current stats in labels :) Credits - me
  15. GamingGod

    ff real reborn

    You can get on the servers anyway :p
  16. GamingGod

    RTM force host freezing PS3

    @ItzEphdel Like 80% of the modding community don't even know what a offset is now days :okay:
  17. GamingGod

    RTM force host freezing PS3

    What tool are you using to force host ? Try this https://consolecrunch.com/threads/project-zhyper-v1-2.10897/
  18. GamingGod

    PS3 All perks On class Offset?(:

    Class 1: Soldier 1: 179F0A0 179F0A1 179F0A2 179F0A3 179F0A4 179F0A5 179F0A6 Set The Value / Byte For All of them to 0xFF Class interval: 80 Solider interval :354
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