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Search results

  1. GamingGod

    How to change psn symbol

    Their is no need as their not executable files, all you do is drag them to your ps3 bro.
  2. GamingGod

    How to change psn symbol

    I didn't think of that ^-^. ill do it now
  3. GamingGod

    How to change psn symbol

    This is a tutorial upload by my friend on how to change the psn symbol Downloads: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7o59v1u9oz0j7kr/New%20Psn%20Symbols%20An%20Icons.zip?dl=0 Not a exe so not needed -GamingGod
  4. GamingGod

    Black Ops 2 Non Host Aimbot

    Dex Modders Non Host Aim bot http://www.mediafire.com/download/yriln0lwr75n5zv/NON+HOST+AIMBOT.rar No need for a virus scan as it is a eboot and sprx A little video of it
  5. GamingGod

    Quick Recovery Tool + Source

    I Didn't know where to post this as it covers 3 games (Bo1, Mw3, Bo2) Basically i made this awhile ago and only now that i have join cc i am going to release it The code is pretty bad as this was my 3rd or 4th application i made in c# and i did you a lot of fourms and tuts to help me...
  6. GamingGod

    Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013 + Key (ISO)

    http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/9315058/Microsoft_Visual_Studio_Professional_2013___Key_-_-nelly- Just a link to a WORKING visual studio professional 2013 -Enjoy
  7. GamingGod

    Finding The Best Torrents

    Finding the best (Fastest, No viruses, Working) Torrents is really simple Step 1. Search what you want e.g Advanced warafre Step 2. Scroll down and look at the amount of seeders (SE) On each torrent The torrent with the most seeders is usually the best torrent as it shows that people are...
  8. GamingGod

    Black Ops2 RTM Tool

    Oops sorry
  9. GamingGod

    Black Ops2 RTM Tool

    So i joined EM|T and was asked to make them a private tool And EM|T fell apart quite quickly and i am no longer in it so i though i would just release the tool :) Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?nve7ejfw5m54rru Virus Scan: https://www.virustotal.com/…/420151c20…/analysis/1416106070/...
  10. GamingGod

    Can you help me with my tool ? i need to put a csg injector in it :3

    Can you help me with my tool ? i need to put a csg injector in it :3
  11. GamingGod

    Banned CONSOLE ID #1864

    The cid is still working for me -_- i logged in and out using it just then
  12. GamingGod

    Banned CONSOLE ID #1864

    People if you want the cids to last stop playing aw and ghosts on them -_-
  13. GamingGod

    Banned Console id #1834

    Thanks mate
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