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Search results

  1. George Fatnutz

    Helpful Member Tag

    Hello ConsoleCrunch, Im remaking this thread after unbound made it and was denied. I think its a great idea for members like ▓⇛ЦηBоцηdGoDz⇚▓ who are always helping members. I think the tag should come with a few Privileges. Ideas are below Ideas: Colored Username Colored Text In SB No SB time...
  2. George Fatnutz


    Developer arkjiros has now released a DARKNET CEX 4.65 v1.00 with RSOD fix and CEX 4.65 v1.01 RSOD fix CFW Download V1.00 Download V1.01 DARKNET CEX 4.65 v1.00 (release Version) PUP MD5: EAC950FCABCD362BB86E31A55FEED576 DARKNET CEX 4.65 v1.00 PUP MD5: 309EDD885C51BE39111F9780B42C6579 DARKNET...
  3. George Fatnutz

    PSNPatch v4.65.01 Updated

    KW has updated PSN Patch to v4.65.01 for PS3 Custom Firmware allowing users to disable CFW and spoof there PSID and CID Download Changes: added 4.65 version spoof for cobra systems; psnpatch cobra plugin displays notifications messages on successful cfw disabling and idps spoofing cobra...
  4. George Fatnutz

    SB Mod colors

    I like this color for the SB mods so i thought id share it. And this color for News Writer :P maybe that one, lol im not sure :P @Crunch
  5. George Fatnutz

    New DS4 Controllers

    Sony has officially announced The New DualShock 4 Controllers and there release dates. These controllers are available for pre-order from amazon and other locations. The new DualShock controller are: Glacier White (PIC) Wave Blue (PIC) Urban Camo (PIC) The Glacier White controller will be...
  6. George Fatnutz

    PS4 Update 1.75 Incoming

    Sony has Just announced a new PS4 Update with Details Bellow. Downloads: 1.75 US 1.75 EU 1.75 JP Sony's statement "Coming next week: PS4 system software update 1.75 adds 3D Blu-ray film support. Woo-hoo!" Sony Europe Via Twitter "PS4 System Software 1.75 is now ready to download. Get...
  7. George Fatnutz

    ShoutBox Bot

    Hello Everyone, So I have had this idea lately, and i know its probably not going to happen and is extremely hard to do, But i thought i would share it :p So We could add like a Bot to out Shoutbox that would basically do the Job of a moderator. When Someone curses, post Pornography, Types in...
  8. George Fatnutz

    Premium Winner

    Hello Everyone from ConsoleCrunch! Today, as promised, I will be picking a winner for the Premium Giveaway :) The Winner: @Funeral__Mask Congrats to him and good luck everyone for all future giveaways. Premium will be received shortly. @Crunch
  9. George Fatnutz

    Ended Premium Giveaway

    Hello again ConsoleCrunch. The CC Giveawayers are again hosting another giveaway for one month of premium. To enter the giveaway simply enter "I Want To Win" and that is it. If you post more than one message you will be disqualified. The winner will be chosen 7/28/14. Good luck
  10. George Fatnutz

    PSNPatch v4.60.01 Released

    Today Developer KW has updated PSN Patch to v4.60.01 for PS3 Custom Firmware, which allows users to temporarily disable their CFW, spoof their Console ID and more. What does PSNPatch do?Spoofs IDPS (console ID) and PSID; Disables cfw syscalls (emulates official firmware); Cobra stealth...
  11. George Fatnutz

    Ferrox 4.60 PS3 CFW

    Today, The well Know developer Alexander has released his CFW FERROX 4.60 NOBD EDITION. Download Changes Absent Player installed on PS3 Homebrew and Backup Manager Console also working with Absent Player All functions of the CFW 4.60 BD EDITION Built on an OFW 4.60 Disabled the coreOs and...
  12. George Fatnutz

    Destiny Beta Starting

    The Beta release For Destiny Is being released tomorrow, 7/17/2014 For PS4 And PS3 users. Along with the release of the game, Bungie has also released an App for the game which is available From Itunes or Google Play. The app allows users to View a 3D model of there character and edit Looks and...
  13. George Fatnutz

    Private Console Id Giveaway with free acc

    Wrong section :|
  14. George Fatnutz

    GameSonic Manager v3.08 Update Released

    Today, Developer Orion Has released Update 3.08 For his well know Game Backup Manager. Changes: Fixed a bug that prevented launching games in JB format (Folder) on CFW 4.60 Insert patch Webman (Thanks Aldo Vargas and Deank) Updated Installer plugin with the latest version of Webman for CFW...
  15. George Fatnutz

    CC Premium Winner

    Hello Crunchers :) Am here today to announce the winner of our latest Premium Giveaway. Congratulations @zekohr Your name was randomly Selected and you will be given your premium shortly :) Good luck to everyone in future giveaways :) @Crunch
  16. George Fatnutz

    Ended CC Premium Giveaway

    Hello again ConsoleCrunch :) The Giveaway team is having another giveaway, This week is for 1 Month of premium. Members who enter may not have premium already, and Must only Enter ONE time To enter, Post here "I Want To Win" and your name will be entered in our drawing. members who post more...
  17. George Fatnutz

    Premium Winner

    Hello all Of ConsoleCrunch :D I am here to announce who the winner of my giveaway for premium was. The winner: @Calyx Congrats @Calyx You will be given your month of premium shortly For a chance to win future giveaways, make sure to enter on-time and Follow instructions that are posted in...
  18. George Fatnutz

    Ended CC Premium Giveaway

    Hello Members of Console Crunch, :) Today, 7/3/14 I will be hosting a giveaway for one month of premium. To enter the giveaway enter only "I Want To Win" and your name will be entered and randomly selected as our winner. The winner will Be chosen 7/5/14 :) GOOD LUCK These Premium giveaways will...
  19. George Fatnutz

    PS4 controller on PS3

    The PlayStation 3 Firmware update 4.60 Has made it possible to Use your PlayStation 4 Dualshock 4 controller on a ps3 Wireless. Before this update, The only way to use it was with a wire, but now it is completely Wireless. You simply need to go to setting and set the controller up as a Bluetooth...
  20. George Fatnutz

    Sony Still Supporting The PS3?

    Sony, the makers of PlayStation, has stated that they will continue offering support and updates for ps3 consoles until there audience is done playing it. They have sold more than 80 million consoles worldwide, and this number is continuously growing. They dont know how long their ps3 system...
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      Chat Bot: QM|T_JinX has posted a new reply in the thread "Not new to modding".