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Search results

  1. GamingGod

    Need Help Finding NieR Replicant (English Patched)

    Does Any One Here Know Where I Can Find The Need Help Finding NieR Replicant (English Patched) I can find sites like this: > <Link Removed> witch have it but it's in Spanish and links are broken. :(
  2. GamingGod

    Free Custom ColdBoots For CC Premium Members

    So for all you guys that support console crunch by purchasing premium you can now get a custom coldboot (Audio & Picture) Made For you. How To Get One Made: Picture: PM Me pictures and describe what you want or you can send me a picture / logo you already have that you want to be a coldboot. (A...
  3. GamingGod

    4.50 ITA Online on 4.70 (Spoof)

    This thread will cover how get online with full functionality on 4.50 ITA What you will need 1.) A cfw ps3 running PS3ITA (Dex) 2.) Some way to install .pkg file 3.) CFW setup v4.99 ITA: http://www.mediafire.com/download/84a8qzspxs8xkwu/4.50PS3ITADEX.PUP ITA Spoof...
  4. GamingGod

    The "WankBand" By Pornhub -

    "Introducing The Wankband: The first wearable tech that allows you to love the planet, by loving yourself. Ladies and gentlemen, the power is your hand. At Pornhub, we’re concerned about the amount of energy consumed by our users while enjoying the millions of hours of content we provide on our...
  5. GamingGod

    PS3 Black Ops 2 RTM Base / Source

    So rather than posting codes and tuts on how to make a rtm tool, i thought i would just make a mini tool that has examples of how to do some tasks, so you guys can just download it and see how everything works :) Picture: Download...
  6. GamingGod

    Working, Online On 4.70 (Dex)

    So this is only tested on 4.65.2 Rebug D-Rex as far as im aware, but in this thread i will tell you how to get online. All this is, is a modified vsh from 4.66 habib. since the 4.70 update wasn't mandatory dex can bypass it. so this method is 100% working at the time of me posting this (NOTE)...
  7. GamingGod

    Pirate Bay & Kick ass Back up

    Awhile ago www.thepiratebay.se & www.kickass.so where down and i figured people knew they where back up. Today i got asked by a friend if i knew any torrenting websites as Kickass and TPB are down, i though most people knew but i guess not so i thought i would make a thread on it. TPB is back...
  8. GamingGod

    4.70 Update Discussion. Effects for CFW users

    Some psn users have been prompted with the 4.70 Update others haven't, as of the time of this being posted there is no mention of the update on the sen website. The logical conclusion would be that it has only been released to some regions so far. So what will this mean for CFW users, The...
  9. GamingGod

    Ways To sign in on dex (After Spoofer / Protocol Patch)

    So after sony patched spoofers most people think the only option is to switch to 4.66 habib cex. For some people they don't want to go to cex, and for others they can't for reasons such as they don't know how or they lost there eid root key. But luckily this thread will show you 2 ways you can...
  10. GamingGod

    Ended Premuim Giveaway #1

    I have never done a giveaway on this site before, so i thought i would host one. What it's for: 1 Month premium subscription to this site (www.consolecrunch.com) How To Enter: Like & Comment on this post. Winners Will Be Chosen A week from this being posted. -Good Luck ~Gaming God
  11. GamingGod

    CCAPI on 4.66

    "Since Today, you are no longer able to connect on Playstation Network with a console using a firmware under 4.66. (For DEX & CEX). That's why, we made a quick new version for CCAPI 2.60. CCAPI rev2 is now compatible with a 4.66 CEX and usable online." ~Enstone You can download Rev2 version...
  12. GamingGod

    Why i am going to be inactive.

    So for the next few days i will not be on CC or any of my social media at all due to my laptops monitor breaking and i have to fix it. But over the next year i wont be on CC no where near as much as i was (I will still be on as much as i can). This is because last year i didn't attend school...
  13. GamingGod

    A Look At My Code Geass Coldboot

    Just a look at the coldboot that i made and use :p @Shiro Inu✿
  14. GamingGod

    PS3 Mini Black Ops 2 RTM Tool Source

    PICTURE: DOWNLOAD Virus scan: not needed as it is a source
  15. GamingGod

    Putting Firmware On Your HDD

    What you will need: FTP client CFW PS3 Firmware you want to put on your hdd How To
  16. GamingGod

    BO2, MW3, BO1 Non Host & Stats Tool

    IMAGES: DESCRIPTION: This RTM Application is for, Black Ops 2, Black Ops 1, Modern Warfare 3, It allows you to edit the statistics and toggle non host modifications of each game, it works with CCAPI 2.60 And TMAPI. It has a the option to use speech recognition, a list of commands that can be...
  17. GamingGod

    What do you prefer, visual studio 2010 or 2013

    Some people prefer 2010 over 2013 and others 2013 over 2010, personally i prefer 2013. So out of 2010 and 2013 what one do you prefer, tell me in the comments what one and why :)
  18. GamingGod

    Fetching stats in a rtm tool

    Put this code in a button; I thought this code could be helpful for people making a rtm tool and want to show the current stats in labels :) Credits - me
  19. GamingGod

    PS3 Project zHyper v1.2

    So i released project zHyper awhile ago and it didn't get much attention on console crunch but it had over 800 downloads on media fire and lots of people messaged me on facebook saying it was their main tool so i though i would create a v1.2 of it. I didn't really know what to add so instead i...
  20. GamingGod

    Rebug 4.65.2 Rex And D-Rex

    So rebug has released the 4.65.2 version of their firmware, i know crunch has already made a thread on this but i thought id make one as well containing the links :D 4.65.2 Rex (For Cex Consoles) http://scmods.com/rebug/firmware/REBUG_4.65.2_REX_PS3UPDAT.PUP MD5...
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