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  1. julyennlewuli

    PS3 help

    ok so everytime i try to login it says error 8002A548 if anyones had this problem and fixed it can i get some help and is this happening to cfw users only?
  2. julyennlewuli


    i have viruses and want to play some game i have a gaming computer but cant get on shit though i always have to use safe mode to get something
  3. julyennlewuli


    everytime i load zombieland and start it freezes while loading the map
  4. julyennlewuli


    Credits: Brunolee This tool enables 4.21, 4.30, 4.31, 4.46, 4.53, 4.55, 4.60, 4.65, 4.66, 4.70 and COBRA 7.x to work with webMAN 1.41 or webMAN MOD 1.41.xx, includes 4 coldboots, 11 waves and 4 gameboots, adds in-game Screenshot, Package Manager (REBUG), replace "smiley avatars" by new...
  5. julyennlewuli

    Filezilla Not Connecting

    So my filezilla will not connect to my ps3 what so ever i have ftp enabled i tried reinstalling filezilla nothing seems to work on it anyone know how to help?
  6. julyennlewuli

    PS3 ParadoxV2 Non-Host Sprx Better Than Desire Engine!

    Sprx + EBOOT-http://paradoxsprx.net/downloads/ParadoxV2.zip virus scan-https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/fa1e93daa0ffa7f8c5d5182f8e2c156c21cb6f6c552dce1946dd32edfc33d9e4/analysis/1459220876/ paradoxsprx.net you can get the updated version here
  7. julyennlewuli

    PS3 Need Help Bo2

    So i was watching a tutorial on bo2 how to change name with moving batteries and stuff. And i change the original param with the modded param and it freezes now i changed back to the original n it still freezes any ideas on how to fix
  8. julyennlewuli

    Banned Console ID #5686

    he gave me a easy thread credits: m4n0ob
  9. julyennlewuli


    i was wondering if anyone can help me get online on bo3 without getting banned from it
  10. julyennlewuli

    Black Ops 2 Jericho Engine

    Jericho Engine http://www.mediafire.com/download/7nok01y2tcr1a64/JerichoEngine.zip virus scan https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/018997812d7c96b54e64862a7da37441851d41273139dfe0da0d28c7ccaeafb3/analysis/
  11. julyennlewuli

    Black Ops 2 Frost Engine "FIXED"

    Frost Engine http://download1360.mediafire.com/tzvwcm2rlm1g/068zc98fx0003re/BO2+FROST+ENGINE+V4.2.rar virus scan "fixed" https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/1c2bcac9e66150ae5c6e6cc8f83891aa1b1424cf97194161f67bbb7e1c8702cc/analysis/1455075058/
  12. julyennlewuli


  13. julyennlewuli

    PS3 Someone help

    So I got the gta 1.26 recovery tool and every time I go to ccapi and connect the tool and ps3 freezes yes I have all dll files and latest ccapi version please help
  14. julyennlewuli


    Deep nuts (clap) ha got emmmmm
  15. julyennlewuli

    Need help

    I'm on Rogero 3.55 trying to go to 4.75.3 d-Rex but it's data corrupt in xmb and in recovery mode it's no applicable update anyone help please Kik me yrn_grn
  16. julyennlewuli


    If anyone can help me convert from 4.76 cex to 4.70.1 d-Rex any firmware that's best just one so I can get Webman my kik is yrn_grn please help
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