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  1. H

    Banned CONSOLE ID #2020

    its BANNED already wtf?
  2. H

    Banned ConsoleID

    Please some one new cid
  3. H

    Banned Console ID #1572

    - thanks
  4. H

    Banned Console ID #1557

    CID are getting impossible, how the hell are they gettng banned so damn fast
  5. H

    Hey man new to dis shit how do I pm some one lol and any cids? There getting banned so fast

    Hey man new to dis shit how do I pm some one lol and any cids? There getting banned so fast
  6. H

    Banned Console ID #1551

    Ahahaha Blzz
  7. H

    Banned Console ID #1551

    @ soil Blzz ahahhha
  8. H

    Console ID's Discussion

    Argh please some CID please, need one that wont get banned in less than five mins, my ps3 froze quit game, ps3 shutdown or some reason, turnd it back on only to fnd fxckin Sony Banned
  9. H

    Banned Console ID #1551

    This CID is dead please close thread
  10. H

    Banned Console ID #1551

    - Death* *
  11. H

    Banned Console ID #1551

    People who dont spoof i hope your ps3's get red light of dead you stupid FXCKZ
  12. H

    Banned Console ID #1551

    Invalid Console ID, Please fix!!
  13. H

    Banned Console ID #1541

    How do you know that maybe some low life was waiting all day then at the exact time he posted it, it got banned
  14. H

    Banned Console ID #1541

  15. H

    Banned Console ID #1382

  16. H

    Banned Console ID #1384

  17. H

    Banned Constole ID #1348

    PSN Banned and he just posted it ffs xome one post a new working one please
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