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  1. Jamesolsen1024

    PS4 ERROR NP-36006-5 FIX

    Sometimes, when attempting to start up a game, the error code NP-36006-5 shows up, saying you will be logged out and you won’t be able to play any game. This occurs when you unplug your PS4 console with a game still in it and the console is still running (powered on). Before I get to the...
  2. Jamesolsen1024

    This guy is a traitor

    This guy is a traitor
  3. Jamesolsen1024

    Banned Console ID #8131

    thx bro keep it up
  4. Jamesolsen1024

    Sorry bro.

    Sorry bro.
  5. Jamesolsen1024

    Hi im having an issue with playing game backups. When i try to use webman, all symbols are...

    Hi im having an issue with playing game backups. When i try to use webman, all symbols are spinning, and wont load webman setup or any game at all. Multiman attempts to load a game, but it never shows up on the xmb. Irisman freezes when i try to load it. Im on rebug 4.82 dex
  6. Jamesolsen1024

    Semjases mod loader, and mistermodz mod loader

    Semjases mod loader, and mistermodz mod loader
  7. Jamesolsen1024

    Banned Console ID #8126

    Thanks man. Using now lol
  8. Jamesolsen1024

    Banned Console ID #8123

    I love you bro
  9. Jamesolsen1024

    Webbased or pc based? Paid or free?

    Webbased or pc based? Paid or free?
  10. Jamesolsen1024

    Banned Console ID #8090

  11. Jamesolsen1024

    How To connect to Ps3 With filezilla through ethernet

    You will need, Filezilla- Ethernet cord- Laptop- Ps3- On your PC, Go ahead and right click your start icon, and select network connections. Now, select Change adapter options. Right click your wireless network adapter(usually wifi), and select properties. Select the sharing tab, and check...
  12. Jamesolsen1024

    Go to connection settings...custom.....wired

    Go to connection settings...custom.....wired not set.....automatic..... Automatic....... Do not use.....enable......enter and test..... If fallowed correctly. You should obtain an ip address for your ps3. But fail...
  13. Jamesolsen1024

    Ok.... Right click your wifi icon on bottom right...... Select open network & internet...

    Ok.... Right click your wifi icon on bottom right...... Select open network & internet change adapter options....... Ok heres the tricky part.... Right click wifi adapter.... Select sharing..... Select Allow other network users to...
  14. Jamesolsen1024

    Ight bett. Just lmk... I may have a few useful things to give in return

    Ight bett. Just lmk... I may have a few useful things to give in return
  15. Jamesolsen1024

    Yoo bro... Hmu with a cid, and ill hook u up with a lot of subscribers...

    Yoo bro... Hmu with a cid, and ill hook u up with a lot of subscribers...
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