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  1. Mr_Meepis44

    Working Console ID #8638

    ty for the cid
  2. Mr_Meepis44

    Working Console ID #8632

    very based
  3. Mr_Meepis44

    Banned Console ID #8630

    very epic, ty
  4. Mr_Meepis44

    Banned Console ID #8627

    ty :swag:
  5. Mr_Meepis44

    Banned Console ID #8610

  6. Mr_Meepis44

    Banned Console ID #8625

  7. Mr_Meepis44

    Banned Console ID #8607

  8. Mr_Meepis44

    Banned Console ID #8605

    what reigon is it from?
  9. Mr_Meepis44

    Banned Console ID #8602

    *insert reply*
  10. Mr_Meepis44

    Hey uh i need help with some lbp2 modding, for modding back in the lbp2 review boo button

    that is an excellent question, but if you're gonna help, add me on discord 1972 Ford Pinto#0062
  11. Mr_Meepis44

    Hey uh i need help with some lbp2 modding, for modding back in the lbp2 review boo button

    So me and my friend are trying to figure out some things, the main one we're trying to figure out being how to enable the lbp2 boo button, we think it's index related but we have no idea what to edit/replace to get it activated, so please help either on here or on discord in DM's. Kimnchii#0062
  12. Mr_Meepis44

    How to get popit everywhere (LBP2 & LBP1)

    thank you, i'm working on it
  13. Mr_Meepis44

    How to get popit everywhere (LBP2 & LBP1)

    https://cdn.discordapp. com/attachments/833239164107096074/837134509869891654/IAABCAAAQgsQwAhsgxnaoHAyRNAiJx8EMgBCAAAQhAoCoBhEhVnBQGgfMlgBA537bHcwhAAAIQgMAUAgiRKdR4BwIQCAggROgUEI.png copy and paste the url into your browser then get rid of the space to see what i'm talking about
  14. Mr_Meepis44

    How to get popit everywhere (LBP2 & LBP1)

    also mine doesn't show a 'replace' option https://cdn.**************/attachments/833239164107096074/837134509869891654/IAABCAAAQgsQwAhsgxnaoHAyRNAiJx8EMgBCAAAQhAoCoBhEhVnBQGgfMlgBA537bHcwhAAAIQgMAUAgiRKdR4BwIQCAggROgUEI.png
  15. Mr_Meepis44

    How to get popit everywhere (LBP2 & LBP1)

    can you provide a vanilla copy of a file? i wanna try making my own modified version
  16. Mr_Meepis44

    LBP2 - Basic Modding Methods

    can you provide a download link for jdk 11?
  17. Mr_Meepis44


  18. Mr_Meepis44
  19. Mr_Meepis44

    add me on discord salami liddd#9934

    add me on discord salami liddd#9934
  20. Mr_Meepis44

    hi cody wsp

    hi cody wsp
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