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  1. Cruncher

    Banned Console ID #3108

    It's banned, and so should you.
  2. Cruncher

    Banned Console id #3105

    You just swore like three times, lol. Stop sucking your mum's balls and think before you talk...
  3. Cruncher

    Banned Console ID #3103

    Could you post one man? Much appreciated. :)
  4. Cruncher

    Banned Console ID #3103

    Ban is confirmed.
  5. Cruncher

    Banned CONSOLE ID #3097

    play-cid-modding didnt get that CID, you got it off a different website. Stop that, the console ID's are running out fast.
  6. Cruncher

    Banned Console Id #3069

    It's banned and has been posted on 3 different websites smh.
  7. Cruncher

    Banned Console ID #3051

    @BadSector Console ID ban is confirmed.
  8. Cruncher

    Banned Console ID #3048

    Post a Console ID please? :)
  9. Cruncher

    Banned Console ID #3035

    Beast, love you ;) #nohomo
  10. Cruncher

    Banned Console ID #3035

    Thanks bro <3
  11. Cruncher

    Banned Console ID #3033

    Bro, could you post another one? Would be much appreciated. :)
  12. Cruncher

    Banned Console ID #3033

    Surprisingly, the person who posts it on other sites probably just wants to be known -.-
  13. Cruncher

    Banned Console ID #3034

    Don't tell them AW is working either, the CID gets banned after a couple of minutes on that game.
  14. Cruncher

    Banned Console ID #3032

    No spoofing, GTA, Advanced Warfare, opening applications like MultiMan while online, etc. Illiterate kids, shouldn't have a jailbreak by my opinion tbh.
  15. Cruncher

    Banned Console ID #3031

    Thanks bro, much appreciated. <3
  16. Cruncher

    Banned Console ID #3017

    Another freaking retard. Get off console crunch you imbecile.
  17. Cruncher

    Banned Console ID #3018

    You don't f**king play GTA you retard, it instantly bans the CID. No wonder the CID's last only like 2 minutes, smh. Idiots like you are making it hard for everyone else. :rage:
  18. Cruncher

    Look mate, if you're a scammer then f**k off. I've destroyed more computers than I remember, and...

    Look mate, if you're a scammer then f**k off. I've destroyed more computers than I remember, and guess who they belong to? Scammers. LOL....
  19. Cruncher

    Look mate, if you're a scammer then f**k off. I've destroyed more computers than I remember, and...

    Look mate, if you're a scammer then f**k off. I've destroyed more computers than I remember, and guess who they belong to? Scammers. :grog:
  20. Cruncher

    Look mate, if you're a scammer then

    Look mate, if you're a scammer then
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