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  1. H

    PS3 GTA 5 [1.17] RP & Cash EBOOT

    It's still working right now. Idk about you but I always backup original files before using a new one ie ( original EBOOT) I made two folders on my thumb drive 1 for original files and another called modded files. I copy the original from my hdd to the thumb drive and then load the modded eboot...
  2. H

    PS3 GTA 5 [1.17] RP & Cash EBOOT

    Yes, I did however delete the character that was 216 and made a new one. The cash works for all characters on the account that's why it appeared to work. No b. s., this is definitely the best EBOOT that ive tried out of about 10 or so. I've played GTAV since day one, made it to lvl 109...
  3. H

    PS3 GTA 5 [1.17] RP & Cash EBOOT

    Figured it out. For those who dont know, the RP works on the first save slot of your gta characters. I mainly use the second slit and after posting earlier I swapped characters and the first slit was level 216, originally 9. Good shit.
  4. H

    PS3 GTA 5 [1.17] RP & Cash EBOOT

    Hey, I have triedd BLUS CEX and DEX. With CEX; the cash works fine but no RP. DEX it just freezes at load screen as if it was the first time booting game up. Any suggestions would be nice.
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  • @ Lindows:
    @QM|T_JinX, do you have any invite codes to IP torrents or any private torrent sites?
  • @ QM|T_JinX:
    for torrents sites yea i always use the same pirate
  • @ QM|T_JinX:
    you need to use VPN it wont open with out
  • @ Lindows:
    yeah, im just looking for a private one like Iptorrents
  • @ QM|T_JinX:
    o ok nah i dont have that
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    Nãovo aqui
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  • @ QM|T_JinX:
  • @ QM|T_JinX:
    Im out be back tomorrow night Everybody
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