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  1. KrustyKrab

    ps3 [HEN] account login problem

    Hey guys, I don´t know if I should post that in here or in "support" so please correct me if this is in the wrong thread. I´m currently on the newest HEN version (should be 4.89.2) and I don´t think that I´m the only one with the problem that some things are not displayed correctly. For...
  2. KrustyKrab

    ok thx buddy :D

    ok thx buddy :D
  3. KrustyKrab

    Hey Younis, i cant send direct messages, you know how to fix that? :)

    Hey Younis, i cant send direct messages, you know how to fix that? :)
  4. KrustyKrab


    hell yea, lets try it out :D
  5. KrustyKrab

    Problem with sprx mod menus on HEN

    thx man, really appreciate your help. so im going to test every eboot that i have with that sprx file from the public cheater menu, right? and just for my knowledge, the actual mod menu is the sprx file or the modded eboot that i put in there? thankks for everything :D
  6. KrustyKrab

    Problem with sprx mod menus on HEN

    thx for your reply :D. Lets say its that overheating problem, then loading the game with a mod menu should work if i just turned on my ps3, right? Cause its the first time today that i turned on my ps3 and just tested it out, no luck, still that lets say ps3 suicide. cpu temperatur: 57°C and rsx...
  7. KrustyKrab

    Problem with sprx mod menus on HEN

    Hey guys hope youre doing well. I have some problems with using sprx menus on HEN. My HEN version is 4.89.2. Im trying to mod in bf4. In advance, I copied bf4 onto my hdd (current game version 1.20), took the eboot.bin and modified it with some offsets (Wallhack, no recoil, etc) and that works...
  8. KrustyKrab


    trying, it probably wont work cause idk why but i´ll give it a shot
  9. KrustyKrab

    PS3 MOD MENU BATTLEFIELD 4 1.20 THE OUTCAST AIMBOT NO RECOI (Aimbot, Fly Hack, ESP, Give Railgun, More!)

    lets see if it works edit: my ps3 truns off like if you unplug the power supply cable. i´m on hen so any idea why that mod menu wont work?
  10. KrustyKrab

    PS3 Battlefield 4 SPRX [FREE]

    lets test it out
  11. KrustyKrab

    PS3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Battlefield 4 OFFSETS [1.20]

    what am i doing worng? i took the original bf4 eboot file, decrypted it and opened the elf file in hxd. i searched for the player wallhack offset (C5DBE8) and patched it with that 40 82 thing (sry im new to that stuff and dont know the specific names). after that i saved the elf file, resigned...
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