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  1. barbiekillz2

    Banned Console Id# 748

  2. barbiekillz2

    Banned Console ID #749

  3. barbiekillz2

    Banned Console ID #615

  4. barbiekillz2

    Banned Console id #613

  5. barbiekillz2

    Banned Console ID #598

  6. barbiekillz2

    Banned Console ID #552

    I know it's weird :confused:.. My other acc it says system banned not account banned but on the other it works
  7. barbiekillz2

    Banned Console ID #552

    Nvm it works :p one of my acc works the other it just says system banned
  8. barbiekillz2

    Banned Console ID #552

    ID is banned
  9. barbiekillz2

    Banned Console ID #552

    No no it says system banned
  10. barbiekillz2

    Banned Console ID #552

    Not working
  11. barbiekillz2

    Banned Console ID #456

    GTA working:laughing:
  12. barbiekillz2

    Banned Console ID #448

    If I get timed out seesion on GTA online & the CID is banned & I try rejoining online will I get banned ?
  13. barbiekillz2

    Banned from Gta V online completely

    Idk what exactly unbanned me b/c I tried a lot of methods.. If I knew exactly I would say but idk which one it was
  14. barbiekillz2

    Banned from Gta V online completely

    I fixed it. I'm unbanned yayyy!!
  15. barbiekillz2

    Banned from Gta V online completely

    I saw that post on another site lol.. But yup tried all no working for me either FML !! Maybe I should get a private ID see if that works
  16. barbiekillz2

    Banned from Gta V online completely

    Yup not using rpf anymore& I still get ban.. Rockstar doesn't like me I guess
  17. barbiekillz2

    Banned from Gta V online completely

    LOL idk.. I said that b/c idk what samoel was talking about?? Do you know what he meant?
  18. barbiekillz2

    Banned from Gta V online completely

    Who did not what?
  19. barbiekillz2

    Banned from Gta V online completely

    Are you on dex or cex ? Just wondering
  20. barbiekillz2

    Banned from Gta V online completely

    I've changed MAC address & I still get banned idk wtf is going on!!!!!
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