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  1. eyster10

    Banned Console ID #7234

    confirmed still working?
  2. eyster10


    373 good luck everyone
  3. eyster10


  4. eyster10

    Banned console id 1810

    who dufug still plays shit ghosts????? playing these still newer games or even new games is what gets these banned so quickly....
  5. eyster10

    Banned console id.

    its not just ghosts... people on gta 5 and other newish cod games and also being on dex is also the cause of the ban. not to mention when you dont have a psid to match the idps it also speeds up the ban. also spoofing doesnt really do much when you have hundreds on a CID at once.
  6. eyster10

    Here's a private (Now public) CID. Enjoy

    spoofing doesnt do anything. when you have hundreds on one ID and theyre mostly on DEX FW and theyre running tools with mods and shit its going to get banned pretty quickly.
  7. eyster10

    Banned Console ID #1696

    all of you kids modding and shit on dex on new games are the reason these get banned so quickly... quit ruining shit for everyone and go buy a private ID or something.
  8. eyster10

    Banned Console ID #1696

    you guys need to quit modding on bo2 ghosts and gta 5 thats whats getting it banned so quickly
  9. eyster10


    you copy over the fix, install the update pkg and make sure youre on a uk account and have release mode set for boot option in debug settings and then go on the game and itll tell you to install the compatibility pack and then you can play.
  10. eyster10

    Banned CID

    you have to also spoof it, being on a certain CFW isnt the only thing that will help. Plus you need to use psn patch and disable the CFW so it looks like youre on OFW until you restart. same with psninja
  11. eyster10

    Banned CID

    wow cant even finish a mission on destiny without it kicking me out because the ID is banned... because all you stupid fucks who want to mod games because you suck at them.
  12. eyster10

    Banned CID

    quit going on shitty ghosts and awful GTA 5 you assholes modding is ruining the CID for the rest of us.. stupid kids.
  13. eyster10

    Banned CID

    thanks man youre awesome. keep it up.
  14. eyster10

    Banned Console ID #176

  15. eyster10

    Banned Console ID #171

    banned about 5 mins ago did last a very long time though
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