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  1. L

    [List] Global Black-List/Abusers [XBOX] [PS3]

    Kinda hard for people to keep on you when you have a dynamic isn't it? Some skid trying to flex like the rest and can be destroyed like he res :)
  2. L

    [List] Global Black-List/Abusers [XBOX] [PS3]

    Ill gladly take over your spot and handle the situation. Just send me all information of target and ill handle it further
  3. L

    [List] Global Black-List/Abusers [XBOX] [PS3]

    lmao OVH can still get smacked and taken down. As for gunner, encrypted and got his home connection xD My next encounter will be dropping his router and launching a dox of him. But aye we need to talk sometime man
  4. L

    Pm me please

    Pm me please
  5. L


    Hey i pmed you about the advanced version...... Could reply sometime?
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