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  1. C


    Thanks emanuel... it was quick and easy.. last 4 are 7436 :)
  2. C

    Simple Spam Bot v1 By Dexter +VIRUS SCAN

    hello? is anyone there?
  3. C


    I'll choose 11 then... if thats taken I'll take 3 lol
  4. C

    Ended 5 - One Month Premium Upgrade Giveaways

    I would love you if you pick me <3
  5. C

    Ended 1 Private Console ID Giveaway

    Please pick me :)
  6. C

    Ended [Ended] Private Console ID+PSID Giveaway

    Please let me win :D
  7. C

    Ended 1 IDPS - (Console ID) Giveaway

    I wanna win because I can't feed my nintendo puppies without it
  8. C

    Hey can I buy a console id bro?

    Hey can I buy a console id bro?
  9. C

    Replace the FIFA 14 section with FIFA 15

    Still doesn't make sense if new call of duty titles are added. Might as well add FIFA 15
  10. C

    I don't suspect you're 24 right? lol

    I don't suspect you're 24 right? lol
  11. C

    Modded up My GT6 Driving Sim

    I was wondering why you have the clutch and paddle shifters but no shift knob lol.. But anyways thats pretty cool
  12. C

    Banned Console ID #3268

  13. C

    I still have RSOD On My JB PS3 :(

    Did you try going to recovery mode and reinstalling the cfw?
  14. C

    does spoofing cid ban u

    It actually does nothing because the cid is logged into psn the moment you sign in...
  15. C

    Buying looking for a cid i will pay 20 psn i cant get paypal

    No one is going to take a psn card unless its like a $50... btw you're in the wrong section
  16. C

    Replace the FIFA 14 section with FIFA 15

    I'd have to agree too.. you can even just make it FIFA Forum so you don't have to change from 15 to 16, 16 to 17 and so on :)
  17. C

    PS3 Not Able To Get on GTA 5 online.

    Thats a question I've asked myself so many times and still don't know lol
  18. C

    PS3 [1.23+][BLUS/ES,CC/TMAPI] 1-8000 Level Changer(Recovery tool) + Source

    Leave credits because you didnt make that tool
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