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  1. D

    Game freezes at title screen when connected to psn

    Used to use multi gcu injector sprx with this game without problems but not it crashes 2 different ps3s at the title screen. If i load game without connecting to psn it works but once on psn it crashes ever time. Need a new eboot?
  2. D

    BO2 ZM and MP Eboots in same directory at once..

    Is it okay to have 2 eboots in the user_dir for black ops 2 for example, and just rename the one you want to use for that session? Is it better to cut and paste them around? Can the game client scan the directory for what files are there?
  3. D

    Risk of ban from installing DLC and using DLC-fix pakages?

    I know there is always risk of ban with cfw, but would installing dlc from the net and using a dlc-fix.pkg to enable it add to the risk? If so is how dangerous is it? Thank you for your time.
  4. D

    Is there a way to tell if an eboot has anitban befoe taking it online?

    If not do you guys have one that is public for gtav and tesseract with antiban?
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