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  1. zSUPRAz

    New here xbonline+

    Includes NiNJA XML http://dizzyassets.site.nfoservers.com/ XBONLINE https://root.silent.hosted.nfoservers.com/ SQLITE3 FILE https://root.silent.hosted.nfoservers.com/heathersite/ Email : creech_2008@hotmail.com Django hash Password...
  2. S

    Stealth Server Tutorial: How to get online+17544 Gold/Xam Patches

    Hello, I made this tutorial about a week ago. Basically it shows you how to get your stealth server online. Weather its up****** to a new dash or starting your own. Kv Life is about a week. Really Recommend you watch this! Educational! Im also provding the current Hv,bin, Xam patches...
  3. S

    Stealth Server tut 0: How to setup a stealth server

    Hello, This is a stealth source I crafted to together myself. It comes with a cheat engine, website, module client, & listener. Just watch the video tutorial. This was designed specifically for those who are new. I know its a long video, but trust me if you watch it through, its worth it. If...
  4. S

    Xbox Stealth Server XUI+Dash+Hud Dumper Tool download

    Hello, Im posting this here, if you want some skid server's .xui files, like the hud & dash, you can use this tool to dump that information to obtain it. Just review the readme instructions. Dumper(Click)(VirusTotal) thanks, -silent
  5. S

    Stealth Source: Savage Live+ Cheat Engine***Good Loot***

    Hello, Someone just sent this to me tonight. It got leaked because the two owners had some kind of beef with each other. Ive looked through and its got some good loot! Looks like COD & GTA offsets/bypasses, maybe mod menu's? It comes with its own cheat engine as well. Haven't tried them out...
  6. S

    XEX Obsfucation/Encryption Sources files

    Hello, I am dropping this here for anyone who wants to encrypt their stealth.xex. The .exe file along with sources file comes with both downloads. I didnt make the code, I would give credit to whoever did but I dont who did. From what I understand its pretty old but still works. Should prevent...
  7. S


    Hello, Ive got another crack for you guys. Ive used older versions of this mod menu & its my all time favorite. Havent tried this one out, but it should work great! Please review the readme.txt before using. Download: (Click) VirusTotal: (Click) thanks, -silent
  8. S

    Xbox GTA V Mod ****Sources Files***Rgh/Jtag only!!

    Hello, I just received this tonight. Someone cracked it for xboxshield stealth. Didnt see to much here for the 360, so here you are. The .xex is in the file as well. Project360GTAV(Link) thanks, -silent
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