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  1. K

    PS3 PS3 COD WAW!!!! NEW DLC FIX HERE + DLC'S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR BLUS30192 & BLES00354

    ARCHIVE'S : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For Blus30192...
  2. Lilxan

    Resigning PS3 saves and converting

    :heart:Could anyone convert the blus code on a save game for me? I've tried with YouTube videos but no luck, I'm using rebuts fake users save option from rebug settings. So just need a save that's compatible with a Canadian game save (CA) from a United States game save (US) The save I'm trying...
  3. PugLife

    PS3 Project Desire 1.27 RTM/RPC (Working Download)

    So this tool has been released for a while but usually the download links are broken so here you guys go enjoy credit: To the Developers of the tool Me: for uploading it
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