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  1. PliskinDev

    PlayStation 3 Manager HEN RTM Tool v6.0.1 By Mizdx - Changer PSID And IDPS And More

    --------------------------------------------------------------- Pictures About HEN RTM Tool v6.0 --------------------------------------------------------------- What's new 1-PS3 restart has been fixed 2-User cleaning issue has been fixed...
  2. cr4zy4

    Repele Reborn Offhost RTM (Source Code!)

    CCAPI 2.80 | PS3 | RTM | MW2 | OPEN-SOURCE | NON-HOST + HOST + INFECTION OPTIONS So this is a rtm that i use myself and coded myself but i thought i'd release it. The download is a ZIP file that contains both the executable and C# sourcecode. It uses ccapi 2.80 (Latest) and is based around...
  3. A

    Black Ops 3 Rtm Tool Multi Gratuit [1.07] ( Dex - Cex )

    Je vous partage une application pour Black Ops 3 Multijoueur en version compatible avec la mise à jour 1.04. Elle est compatible avec le dernier CCAPI 2.70 ainsi que CEX - DEX. Elle contiens : Éditeur de statistiques Éditeur de médailles Changeur de Nom et marque de Clan Une partie All Client...
  4. RecklessClient

    [CCAPI 2.60+]Console Manager v1.0.0.0 Release

    Hi Crunchers, Today i am releasing a small project of mine. So a few days ago i was looking around online at rtm tools for the ps3. When doing so i came across a lot of console manager applications. After downloading a few and checking them out i noticed somthing. None of them had the option to...
  5. ★Trump★

    CCAPI 2.70 rev4 By Enstone

    Sup crunchers , Didnt see anybody post this on here so i decided to do it ;) Enstone has just put online a new version of CCAPI, v2.70 rev4 that adds support for custom firmware 4.80 DEX and CEX. Remember, CCAPI is a homebrew which interfaces between your PS3 and PC, facilitating the launch of...
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