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  1. M

    PS3Xploit unveils the Flash Writer and IDPS Dumper for HFW 4.85PS

    Jason Borowski, known on the PlayStation 3 scene as esc0rtd3w, has confirmed the availability of a new version of his Flash Writer utility. But that's not all, the IDPS dumper has also been adapted to this new official firmware, the whole is number in v2.0.2. Flash writer allows to install a...
  2. M


    MyTrophies is a "trophy calculator" for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro taking advantage of PS4 HEN, it is a program written in Python 3 and will allow you to read the progress in your trophies. This tool reads the PS4 trophy [.dat] file because users using HEN are no longer able to enjoy...
  3. M

    Working webMAN MOD 1.47.25

    The developer aldostools has just posted a new version of its plugin webMAN MOD which in v1.47.25. Changelog 1.47.25: - Added icons to common file types in the file manager. - The configuration of the home URL can now set the default icon / app_home / PS3_GAME at startup. - Added support...
  4. M

    webMAN MOD 1.47.23 available

    The developer Aldostools has just uploaded a new version of its webman plugin MOD which is v1.47.23. The goal is always to improve the user experience via CFW or via PS3HEN. In this update there was a fix for the few black screen problems on homebrews that were launched during the content...
  5. M

    PS3HEN v2.2.2 available

    And here is the sixth update of PS3HEN since version 2.0. Once again esc0rtd3w and his band whose Joonie Team Rebug offers corrections on the PS3HEN that will mark the history of the PS3 since today is the only solution to load payloads on the original firmware 4.82 and the firmware 4.84 hybrid...
  6. M

    HENBrew Store NEW

    If you find that the current store proposed for the PlayStation 3 HEN is too limited, here is a new store comes under the name of HENBrew Store initiated by the developer ShaolinAssassin. As a reminder, ShalinAssassin is at the origin of Han Toolbox, its application HENBrew Store allows to...
  7. M

    Working webMAN Mod v1.47.22 available

    Aldostools, Aldo Vargas, is back on the front of the PlayStation 3 scene with a new version of webMAN Mod which is now updated to v1.47.22. webMAN Mod is still the best PS3 plugin developed by Deank, which allows to launch PS3, PS2, PS1, PSP games backups as well as Blu-ray or DVD, stored on...
  8. M

    Payload & ELF Injector PS4 v1.0 available

    Payload & Elf Injector as its name suggests allows to send payloads within the PlayStation console from a Windows PC only, but it also allows to swing the jkPatch (https://github.com/jogolden/jkpatch/releases it is possible to find here) or to inject ELFs in two clicks. This tool is intended...
  9. M

    First beta of Yabause for PS4

    Znullptr, the developer who already has the native ps4 GBA emulator, and the preview of Reicast (dreamcast emulator) is making its way onto the ps4 scene. Indeed, the latter is currently working on a PS1 emulator (psxreamed) which is already being tested, but also on a megadrive emulator and...
  10. Oblivion


    Desktop application for ConsoleCrunch. Developed by Oblivion. Downloads Mediafire: ConsoleCrunch_v1.03 UPDATES | V1.03 Added Reload, Back and Forward functions to mainBrowser menu. Added Back and Forward functions to shortcuts. UPDATES | V1.02 Added context menu and mainBrowser menu. Added...
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