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  1. R


    This is a cracked version of LTS which is ready to use for GTA:OG. Download it here
  2. P

    Working Console ID #8670

    Credit" Panda Risch
  3. L

    Free DLCs for PS3

    Heyo and good evening to all ;) I‘m new here and I hope to get help.. I am proud owner of a PS3 HEN :D and am looking for some DLCs COD Ghosts: Onslaught, Devastation, Invasion and Nemesis COD MW3: all 5 DLCs COD Black Ops 2: all 4 AC Revelations: The lost Archiv Far Cry 4: The Valley of the...
  4. A

    ModioX - Browse, Install & Download Mods

    An open source desktop application designed to easily browse through a regularly updated database of game mods, homebrew, resources and themes for the PlayStation 3. A library that is populated by myself, few friends and awesome contributors, so that all mods have been tested and verified. It...
  5. James_reborn

    PS3 [CFW / HEN / BLES / BLUS / PS3 ] James reborn Mod Loader v40.1

    James reborn Mod Loader Mod Loader Video : Mod Loader Picture : Binds to Open Mod Loader : Downloads : Mod Loader Base : -> NotYourDope <- Heavily Edited by James reborn Script Injector to Compile CSA File : EROOTIIK Fixes for AP II INTENSE v2.2 : Vicodin10 Console Trainer V : Evil...
  6. ID72303

    PS3 (GTA 5 1.27) - W33D MOD Loader +Auto-Installer Tool by ID72303 (FREE)

    Hello everyone from ID72303, I apologize in advance for my bad English, I hope to be as clear as possible! After 3 months of uninterrupted work, blasphemies, sclerics and bugs of all kinds, I'm finally here to release the brand new W33D MOD Loader, now in its 6 version. 0, eh yes, it seems...
  7. SPARX_Modz

    PS3 Lugia 2.8.4 [SPRX] (1.27-1.28)

    Recommended with DEX Console Tested and Working with modded RPF Combo
  8. PPRX

    PS3 (RELEASE) PPRX's Real Time Hud Color Changer for PS3

    PPRX's Real Time Hud Color Changer for PS3 Today i decide releasing a menu that allows you to edit hud color (health/armour) in game This Stuff has been on my private menu for a while, but I've decided to release it This menu only works on PS3. I don't know if it works on OFW because I haven't...
  9. T

    Banned Console ID #8408

    Credits: Te pigliat o CID you are welcome guys.
  10. RecklessClient

    PC This may be the only chance to get 'GTA V' for free

    Hello Crunchers, Today Epic games has debuted its biggest limited time free game ever. Grand Theft Auto 5 is now available to be claimed for free over the next week starting today 05/14/2020-05/21/2020 With 120 million copies sold since 2013 GTA V still remains one of the best-selling games of...
  11. E

    Banned Console ID #8341

  12. XMTDubzz(Real)

    Decipher V1.2 BO2 SPRX [PREVIEW]

    Here's A Preview Of My New SPRX Coming Soon! Please Leave A Comment And Like This Thread <3 Youtube / XMTDubzz Discord : XMTDubzz#5537 Discord Server : **********/kJJuBeA
  13. Lindows

    Ended Hulu Live TV Giveaway!

    Hulu Live TV giveaway, to enter like this post and that's it, the winner will be picked once 20+ people enroll or by 1/7/2020 depends on what comes first! zSuelo won To buy account: https://shoppy.gg/@Lindows
  14. Lindows

    Ended Nord VPN Giveaway

    Nord VPN giveaway, to enter like this post and that's it, the winner will be picked once 20+ people enroll or by 1/7/2020 depends on what comes first! This account will remain active until 2021+ To purchase accounts visit: https://shoppy.gg/@Lindows Tacos is the winner
  15. Ewaohproductions

    EwoahProductions GTA5 MODDED LOBBY {FREE}{2019}

    EwoahProductions GTA5 MODDED LOBBY { FREE }:pap: :omg: Using Semajeses Paid Mod Menu!:omg: :sup:How To Get In?:sup: :weed: YOUTUBE GAMEPLAY OF MOD MENU !:dance: {Shoutout To Semajases For Creating This Amazing Mod Menu!} Make Sure To Read Everything On the Spoiler To get in the...
  16. BM|T-Jamie

    UDK - Free Game Engine for PS3 and Xbox 360

    1- WHAT IS UDK ULTIMATE? This is a modified version of EPIC`s UDK (Unreal Development Kit) Game Engine which supports exporting your game for XBOX360/PS3/PC WITHOUT the need to be a Registered Game Developer for Sony (Playstation) or Microsoft (XBOX360), something that a LOT of folks always...
  17. BM|T-Jamie

    PS3 Elite Bot Non-Host Menu Final Update [DEX/SPRX]

    MUST BE ON DEX Must use 720p or menu will not display properly!
  18. BM|T-Jamie

    Red Dead Redemption - Trainer/Mod Menu [BLES/BLUS]

    Credits jedijosh920 for creation XBLToothPik for his "SC-CL High-Level Script Compiler" (RDR XSC/CSC Scripts) and "AreDeAre xPlorer 2" (RDR RPF Editor)
  19. I

    Banned Console ID #7836

    :heart: Console Id :heart: Credits: Me :dance:Enjoy the free CID + PSID :dance:
  20. Dana White

    Ended Private Console ID+PSID Giveaway

    Im giving away a private console id and psid all you need to do to enter is comment a number between 1-500 a winner will be picked by a random number generator on 20/10/2018 good luck everyone :)
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