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  1. Oblivion


    Desktop application for ConsoleCrunch. Developed by Oblivion. Downloads Mediafire: ConsoleCrunch_v1.03 UPDATES | V1.03 Added Reload, Back and Forward functions to mainBrowser menu. Added Back and Forward functions to shortcuts. UPDATES | V1.02 Added context menu and mainBrowser menu. Added...
  2. Oblivion

    [JS] kitsu-widget

    A Kitsu.io widget that shows the given user statistics. Source GitHub ~ OblivionSan/kitsu-widget Main Feature Easy and simple to setup and use. Lightweight. Retrieves latest data from kitsu.io/api Usage Example <!-- Use either one of them. --> <script src="kitsu-widget.min.js"></script>...
  3. Oblivion

    [JS] Using if else statements

    A simple example on how to use the if and else statements in JavaScript. You will need at least some knowledge of JavaScript if you want to use this example. Example // var input = 'somethings_not_right'; var input = 'something_here'; if (input === 'something_here') { return...
  4. Oblivion

    [JS] Using JSON.parse()

    A simple example on how to parse a string of JSON through the JSON.parse method. You will need at least some knowledge of JavaScript if you want to use this example. Example var jsonData = '{"name": "Oblivion"}'; // Get our string of JSON data using a variable var data = JSON.parse(jsonData)...
  5. Oblivion

    [JS] Try & Catch statements

    Try and Catch statement example. You will need at least some knowledge of JavaScript if you want to use this example. Example try { //Try statement lets you test your code for errors console.log('Hello'); } catch (err) { //Catch statement "catches" any errors from your try statement...
  6. Oblivion

    [JS] Random string function

    A small example on how to create a simple random string using a function. You will need at least some knowledge of JavaScript if you want to use this example. Example function randomNumber() { var rand = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]; //Place your strings in an array. return...
  7. Oblivion

    [JS] Anime Search Command-line interface (ASC-CLI)

    A simple Anime Search Command-line interface used to lookup anime movies and TV broadcasts. Source NPM ~ asc-cli GitHub ~ OblivionSan/asc-cli Main Features Retrieve up-to-date anime information from your CMD (or whatever terminal you use) Clean and easy to read layout. How to install and...
  8. Oblivion

    [JS] ip-lookup-cli

    A cli to lookup and get information on ips & domains. Source NPM ~ ip-lookup-cli GitHub ~ OblivionSan/ip-lookup-cli Main Features Lookup ip and domain information from your CMD (or whatever terminal you use) Clean and easy to read layout. How to install and use First install Node.JS Then...
  9. Oblivion

    [JS] [Discord.js] Send Random Hex Value.

    Read the comments in the source code to understand what you need to change. Check out more discord bot examples on my GitHub discord bot example repo. const Discord = require('discord.js'); //Make sure to install discord.js using NPM. const client = new Discord.Client(); const prefix = '!'...
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