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paradise sprx

  1. M

    PS3 Paradise SPRX Latest Version Remastered by Ventura v2.1.1 Dex/Hen, Bles01807 Only

    Paradise SPRX Latest Version Remastered by Ventura v2.1.1 Dex/Hen, Bles01807 Only 2.1.1 is here! -Added better modder detection(100% fiable) -Added Block Players Data on modder protection submenu(use when u want to play HvH or someone tried to freeze you,u can change lobbies with that enabled...
  2. sakurabunny

    Need Help Paradise SPRX Mod Menu (GTAV)

    Hello guys, I added all files in the correct installation paths, SPRX and the 2 key files in tmp and EBOOT bin in USR DIR, I have 2 EBOOTS for HEN tried both and the game is on the latest update but the mod menu does not show up, is this menu only online (RIP) and not story mode? Also, How do...
  3. PliskinDev

    PS3 GTA V Paradise Mod Menu 2.1 Sprx

    --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Paradise Mod Menu Sprx [DEX-CEX] ------------------------------------------- Download ------------------------------------------ Enjoy
  4. PliskinDev

    PS3 GTA V Paradise Mod Menu Sprx

    ------------------------------------------------------------- Paradise Mod Menu Sprx --------------------------------------------- Download ------------------------------ ENJOY
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