ps vita

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  1. Banned

    Help [Avatar]

    Anyone knows how to make a custom avatar that will actually stick to your psn not like the ones you can put on and no one sees it and after signing out its gone
  2. Lindows

    Ps1 hotswap trick

    Step 1. Tape down a paper ball or something similar on the lid sensor (look below for location) in the PS1 so the lid can be open while it's spinning. You can also disassemble the PS1 and tape down the trigger within the console. If you prefer cleaner look. Step 2. Insert an original PS1 disc...
  3. RichBoy

    Need People to be in my videos (Mic Only) PS3

  4. Lindows

    PS Vita Prototype

    PS Vita Prototype The prototype of the PlayStation Vita that has recently surfaced has a very slick design that is very similar to that of the PSP Go. The Video shown below shows the PS Vita prototype using am SD Card instead of Sony’s "micro sd cards". Last but not least, the video also shows...
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