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  • Read Rules Before Posting Post Virus Scans with every program.


  1. B 7 R E


    Hello CC Members! This's my tool for Watch Dogs 1.04 Download Virus Scan Virustotal: 2/70 (The file is clean) Enjoy
  2. Cecil2016_Gaming

    Destiny Eboot troubles for RTM!

    Okay, I am running evilnats latest dex CFW and I have changed the Eboot over to debug but I am running dex and I only ran the cex CFW side of true ancestor and I tried every fix and none of them work and every time I boot Destiny up I get a black screen! Did I do something wrong because I...
  3. Doxy99

    PS3 Minecraft RTM + SPRX mod menu

    Hello, since now 2018 on the 1.71 (update of Minecraft), i made some RTM and today i'm happy to show you my newest work ! support CFW / HEN The menu is now available yet because i'm still working on it :s But you can download the V2.2 on my github with my RTM...
  4. R

    How to set float value to offset?

    Hi, im codding an RTM tool in c# and i have an offset with a float value how can i do? Example of a code with bytes (the value is an integer): ulong fov = 0x009595D5; byte[] customFov = { 0x3F, 0x00}; //Here the value is 3F00 how to do it with a float? like this 0.01666667 i need to convert to...
  5. James_reborn

    PS3 [CFW / HEN / BLES / BLUS / PS3 ] James reborn Mod Loader v40.1

    James reborn Mod Loader Mod Loader Video : Mod Loader Picture : Binds to Open Mod Loader : Downloads : Mod Loader Base : -> NotYourDope <- Heavily Edited by James reborn Script Injector to Compile CSA File : EROOTIIK Fixes for AP II INTENSE v2.2 : Vicodin10 Console Trainer V : Evil...
  6. cr4zy4

    Repele Reborn Offhost RTM (Source Code!)

    CCAPI 2.80 | PS3 | RTM | MW2 | OPEN-SOURCE | NON-HOST + HOST + INFECTION OPTIONS So this is a rtm that i use myself and coded myself but i thought i'd release it. The download is a ZIP file that contains both the executable and C# sourcecode. It uses ccapi 2.80 (Latest) and is based around...
  7. Xanax Modder


    Wanting a decent RTM tool to mod skate 3 on? Can't find any...? There isn't a lot of mods for this game but I use this RTM tool for fun. There's some cool options but it's basically some main mods in this tool. You can NOT use this tool while in a online match... it'll kick you back to story...
  8. T


    all the things needed to have fun. such as RTM tools Menus XMB editing. [Pics] [Links]
  9. Doxy99

    PS3 [RTM TOOL/1.81] Minecraft DownCraft V1.4 RTM Tool !

    Hello CC, today i upload my RTM Tool DownCraft for Minecraft update 1.81 -Change Logs: Fixed bugs with loading Fixed Options froze PS3 Fixed Tool no open Added New Options Download link: https://mega.nz/#!ZzoC0QDa!_fD7F4FHfVc5TWJ2-uUV8ZfKrwF46U0Bi6hKCLuHINY Anti-virus scanner...
  10. F

    PS3 Tool Revolution GCS Injector By Francois284Modz

    ★ Name : Revolution Gcs Injector By Francois284Modz ★ Stable : Yes ★ Type : RTM Tool ★ Version : V1 ★ Supported Game: Black Ops 2 ★ Version of Game : 1.19 ★ Virus Scan: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file-analysis/ZGQxZjdhZWE3N2EzZDhmMWQxNDk3ODM0MTM0YzdkYTk6MTUxNjY2NDM3NA== ★ Download ...
  11. X

    PS3 [UPDATED] Black Ops III Public Cheater 1.07 By Shadow

    Bonjour à tous , Je vous partage une application pour Black Ops 3 multiJoueur en version compatible avec la mise à jour 1.04. Elle contiens : - Éditeur de statistiques - Éditeur de médailles - Changeur de Nom et marque de Clan - Une partie All Client ( Godmode, munitions illimitées etc.. ) -...
  12. jailbreaker4000

    PS3 How to not get banned on GTA 5

    Hi I'm just wondering if anyone knows a good method avoiding getting banned from modding GTA. Thanks in advance.
  13. ✩Ⱨ₳₵₭ɆⱤ✩

    PS3 BO2 RTM Tool V2 By FrEaK

    Today Im Relasing My V2 Update With A Client Menu! More To Come On The V3! Download: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/0ncxb2b1r11r1/BO2_RTM_By_FrEaK Virus Scan: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/a66177b5801a7ccb8a0904494e0bc908a768e07f294e3e2ee79e91085cc7bd79/analysis/1485411606/ YouTube Vid:
  14. Q

    PS3 Mw3 RTM-RTE TOOL By QwstyModz

    Hey WhatsUp Crunchers! I Finish my new MW3 Project Thats my 2nd Project Please Support Me! Report Bugs on Inbox! Images: https://gyazo.com/ca01e995913f8c26cfe439474914706b.png https://gyazo.com/469b199fe1cc2c974d95220a9f578dd5.png https://gyazo.com/4625746ffe3b758c24eca5c96d70ce73.png...
  15. ps3itaissobae

    PS3 ᴍɪɴᴇᴄʀᴀғᴛ ʀᴛᴍ ᴛᴏᴏʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴅᴇʙᴜɢ ᴇʙᴏᴏᴛ (1.37)

    hello i bring you today tool very good haxs pictures - http://prntscr.com/dlymne http://prntscr.com/dlyn65 Download http://www.mediafire.com/file/95erp78ea9a2b11/Ultimate+Minecraft+RTM.zip scan because it haxs you...
  16. ★Trump★

    PS3 [PS3] Fifa 16 Rtm Tool V2.5.0 - Cracked By H&M

    CONNECT WITH : TMAPI CCAPI This tool works with every version and every update of the game DOWNLOAD : [hide-reply]https://mega.nz/#!uMVhlBZD!9Ab9v9NPc4LPkYCDW_aqN2g4C4xF_7HjbG7gdOooAMc[/hide-reply] VIRUS SCAN
  17. Made MoDz


    i think i release it for everybody,its not the best,but this was my first so i gaved my best :D @German Modder Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/gfmuu7k3tfqt7ru/BO2+RTM-RTE+by+Made+MoDz%28Ramon%29.rar
  18. TWSS_Exotic-_-

    PS3 Gta 5 RTM Pack

    [{Exotics RTM Pack For GTA 5}] {*French Tool - RTM 1.26/7 *Addikted 1.3 - RTM 1.26/7 *TotalCurryMan - RTM 1.26/7} - All In One Download - http://www.mediafire.com/download/q336ey45xq86212/Menu_Pack_By_Exotic_modz.rar Virus Scan -...
  19. Futuristic Modz

    PSNServices RTM Tool Non-Host end game and more

    Hi, this is a really great tool with a non host end game and lots of other non host mods! It's got an ip grabber and more one of the best BO2 RTM tools out there! Hope you guys like this tool i did not make it or help with it! Credits PSNServices
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