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rtm tool

  1. W

    PS3 Make an RTM tool? $$

    Are any of you modders interested in making a RTM Tool for PS3 on MW2? Its nothing too crazy, It's just features from different tools that I'd love to be able to use in the one tool, it's more based towards trickshotting. If anyone is interested, or know anyone that would be interested...
  2. ANGUS0023233


    Address used in RTM tools 0x123ABC OFFSETS used in HEX editor 123ABC How to convert [Your RTM address example: 0x123ABC] − [0x10000 ] = [ Result ] Example 1) 0x18D05C − 0x10000 = 17D05C Example 2) 0x7C9660 − 0x10000 = 7B9660 Website used to convert address from RTM tool to HEX editor...
  3. Snaky

    [PS3/RTM] Project Running Fox RTM Tool for many games

    Hi all guys I would like to share with you this 100% functional RTM Tool for various games ----------------------- DOWNLOAD : VIRUS TOTAL (SCAN) : FAKE POSITIVE
  4. PliskinDev

    PlayStation 3 Manager HEN RTM Tool v6.0 By Mizdx - Changer PSID And IDPS

    ================================== Pictures About HEN RTM Tool v6.0 ======================================= In the event of a problem or error in RTMTool Please report it to me in comments Features will be added in upcoming updates...
  5. PliskinDev

    PS3 [GTA V][HEN] RTM Tool Name And Crew Changer v3.0

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RTM Tool Name And Crew Changer v3.0 Support HEN Only ------------------------------------------------------------ Download And Virustotal ---------------------------------------------------- Enjoy
  6. Imtheking11111

    PS3 Black Ops 2 RTM Tool Snacky v1 1.19

    Hallo CC! Today i'm bringing you guys my new RTM tool for black ops 2 Snacky v1 Hope you like it Important If the tool shows as a virus It because the thema.dll does it I dont know why it does that but the tool is harmless Enjoy! :pap:
  7. ⚡️⚡️KushPlant420⚡️⚡️

    My Favourite RTM Manager V1

    Hey Fellow Crunchers, I decided to throw something togeather to keep your modding experiences at its finest. What we have here is a simple Application Manager I created. WHAT DOES THIS DO: -This small tool that I created lets you pick and choose your Favourite RTM/RTE Tools for each of the...
  8. jailbreaker4000

    PS3 How to not get banned on GTA 5

    Hi I'm just wondering if anyone knows a good method avoiding getting banned from modding GTA. Thanks in advance.
  9. topazzio74

    DEATH FREEZE ANTIFREEZE TOOL unpacked by topazzioMoDz

    [{GTA5 TOOL}]really easy to unpack. tool created by: WesleyMarcos. unpacked by me <3>I do not know if someone already has released the source, if yes, wipe the post [img src= image source: http://prntscr.com/dwtmtp image original tool: http://prntscr.com/dwtnk9 source download...
  10. TWSS_Exotic-_-

    PS3 Gta 5 RTM Pack

    [{Exotics RTM Pack For GTA 5}] {*French Tool - RTM 1.26/7 *Addikted 1.3 - RTM 1.26/7 *TotalCurryMan - RTM 1.26/7} - All In One Download - http://www.mediafire.com/download/q336ey45xq86212/Menu_Pack_By_Exotic_modz.rar Virus Scan -...
  11. Jon69kush


    hELLO EVERYONE :) this is the first ghosts rtm tool I found that has force host and body count/ warcry. Enjoy! *THIS IS NOT MY TOOL ALL CREDITS GO TO NeWka. LINK:
  12. Futuristic Modz


    Hi, I made an RTM tool for black ops 3 it's my first tool i've ever posted. I've only ever kept them to myself. I'm releasing it here, fell free to post it onto different websites. I made a simple EBOOT with mods as well for bles DEX. This was just to give me something to do for a bit. I...
  13. TWSS_Exotic-_-

    Bo3 Rtm Tool With Modded EBOOT

    [/SPOILER]Dex Only I Think And RTM Tool IS For CEX/DEX
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