skyrim modding

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  1. xtrollshacks

    How to make audio mods work for Skyrim ?

    As the title says ,I need help getting Skyrim audio mods to work , let's say I installed Serana dialogue add on , only the subtitles would work even after I converterd the audio files to .xwm from .fuz
  2. gercapo

    Skyrim Static Mesh Improvement Mod for ps3

    I've been working on to port this mod and I'm going to tell you how I did it. Use these programs the follow programs: Xtx Extractor SSE Nif Optimizer The procedure to extract the dds textures is to change the extension to XTX, which is the one that the Nintendo Switch can read and use...
  3. Cecil2016_Gaming

    Head over to PATREON and Support this Amazing Skyrim PS4 Modder
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