1.03 offsets list ghost by.iankush420

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Active Poster
Active Member
Oct 12, 2013
1.03 Offsets List

Hey console crunch member,

Just some Offsets/Functions updated for Patch 1.03.
You need for most of them a working RPC/Ghetto Functions ^^

0x0036AF50 - AngleDelta (angle1 const float, const float angle2)
0x0076B5A4 - AngleNormalize180 (const float angle)
0x0036AEE8 - AngleNormalize360 (const float angle)
0x001158C4 - BG_FindWeaponIndexForName(const char *name)
0x000EBFC0 - BG_GetEntityTypeName (const int eType)
0x001158B0 - BG_GetNumWeapons(void)
0x00115D24 - BG_GetWeaponIndexForName(const char *name, void (__cdecl *regWeap)(unsigned int))
0x00116110 - BG_GetViewModelWeaponIndex(playerState_s *ps)
0x000E06F0 - BG_RunLerpFrameRate (int localClientNum, clientInfo_t * it, lerpFrame_t * lf, int newAnimation, entityState_s * n)
0x000E2D20 - BG_SetNewAnimation (int localClientNum, clientInfo_t * it, lerpFrame_t * lf, int newAnimation, entityState_s * n)
0x00119E40 - BG_WeaponFireRecoil (playerState_s const * const float *, float const *)
0x002A6224 - Cbuf_AddText (localClientNum int, char * text)
0x00141FA8 - CG_Draw2D(int localClientNum)
0x005AAD2C - CG_FireWeapon (int, centity_s *, int, ushort, uint playerState_s const *)
0x0036EE88 - CL_DrawStretchPicPhysical (float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, t1 float, float s2, t2 float, const float * color, Material * Material)
0x00186564 - CL_GamepadButtonEvent (localClientNum int, int key, int unten, unsigned int time)
0x00187090 - CL_GamepadRepeatScrollingButtons (int localClientNum)
0x0024564C - CalculateRanks (void)
0x00229098 - ClientConnect (clientNum int, unsigned __ int16 scriptPersId)
0x002270E0 - ClientEndFrame (gentity_s * ent)
0x00229470 - ClientSpawn (gentity_s * ent, const float * spawn_origin, const float * spawn_angles)
0x00224E50 - ClientThink_real (gentity_s * ent * usercmd_s ucmd)
0x00228CD0 - ClientUserinfoChanged (int clientNum)
0x0068F798 - COM_ERROR (errorParm_t code, const char * fmt)
0x00646F9C - Dvar_GetBool(const char *dvarName)
0x001879D8 - Key_IsDown(int localClientNum, int keynum)
0x00187A18 - Key_StringToKeynum(const char *str)
0x00187B64 - Key_IsValidGamePadChar(const char key)
0x00187BA4 - Key_KeynumToString(int keynum, int translate)
0x00188078 - Key_Unbind_f(void)
0x0018818C - Key_Bind_f(void)
0x00292E44 - G_ClientStopUsingTurret (gentity_s * self)
0x0028B7AC - G_EntUnlink (gentity_s * ent)
0x00030DB8 - G_FindConfigstringIndex(const char *name, int start, int max, int create, const char *errormsg)
0x00286260 - G_InitGentity (gentity_s * e)
0x00032F10 - G_LocalizedStringIndex (const char * string)
0x00030F1C - G_MaterialIndex (const char * name)
0x0023A070 - G_RadiusDamage (float const * const * gentity_s, gentity_s *, float, float, float, float, float * const, gentity_s *, int, int)
0x00224464 - G_SetClientContents (gentity_s *)
0x0028697C - G_SpawnPlayerClone(void)
0x00286AAC - G_SetOrigin(gentity_s *ent, const float *origin)
0x00286CD8 - G_SetAngle(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle)
0x00271308 - GScr_LoadGameTypeScript(void)
0x0035A1B8 - Menu_PaintAll_DrawVisibleList(char *stringBegin, UiContext *dc)
0x00234908 - PlayerCmd_ClonePlayer(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00271CAC - Scr_ConstructMessageString (firstParmIndex int, int lastParmIndex, errorContext const char *, char * string, unsigned int stringLimit)
0x002D1008 - Scr_ObjectError (const char * error)
0x00699E4C - SV_AddTestClient(void)
0x002A6A0C - SV_Cmd_TokenizeString(const char *text_in)
0x004DDD44 - SV_GetUserinfo (int index, char * buffer, int bufferSize)
0x0067B288 - SV_GameSendServerCommand (int clientNum, svscmd_type Typ const char * text)
SV_SendServerCommand (client_s * cl svscmd_type Typ const char * fmt) not Found *_*
0x004B94C8 - SV_LocateGameData (gentity_s * Gents numGEntities int, int sizeofGEntity_t, playerState_s *, int sizeofGameClient)
SV_KickClient (client_s * cl playerName char *, int maxPlayerNameLen) not Found *_*
0x00334E98 - UI_DrawText(ScreenPlacement *scrPlace, const char *text, int maxChars, Font_s *font, float x, float y, int horzAlign, int vertAlign, float scale, const float *color, int style)
0x00379068 - va(const char *format)
0x00DD3580 - G-Entity
0x00F13580 - G-Client
0x00D56880 - G_HudElems

Non Host Mods
0x00142318 - Red Boxes | Enable Nop | Disable 0x41, 0x82, 0x00, 0x0C
0x005AB07C - No-Recoil | Enable Nop | Disable 0x4B, 0xB4, 0xF6, 0x91
0x0060D0B4 - Laser | Enable 0x01 | Disable 0x02
0x00139DEC - UAV | Enable 0x02 | Disable 0x01
0x00139DEF - Advanced UAV | Enable 0x02 | Disable 0x01


seb5594 - Up****** old Offsets and some of them
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Nov 2, 2013
HI thanks for posting, but i'm new to making rtm tools and debugging. What do you mean with enable Nop? What should i change the offset to?
Might be a stupid question, if so i'm sorry.



Nov 2, 2013
No problem already found out what nop means and what is should change the offset to.


Nov 2, 2013
And i think your red box offset is not right, you have 0x00142318 that freezed my ps3, i found somewhere else that it is 0x00142314, that did work. Maybe you should change this?


Active Poster
Active Member
Oct 12, 2013
And i think your red box offset is not right, you have 0x00142318 that freezed my ps3, i found somewhere else that it is 0x00142314, that did work. Maybe you should change this?

ill check it out keep in mine some of this offset are ghetto functions lol
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