{1.07} Ghost Offsets

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Jan 1, 2014
Non Host Offsets:
0x0013C2D8: NORMAL UAV
0x0046E51B: - Chrome - On 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 - OFF 0x2C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00
0x0014492C: - Red Boxes - On 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 - OFF 0x41, 0x82,0x00, 0x0c
0x0013B200: Advanced UAV - On 0x2C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01 - OFF 0x2C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00
0x5CB95C: No Recoil - On 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 - Off 0x4b, 0xb5, 0x0a, 0x55
0x0050F70B: Laser - On 0x28, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01 - OFF 0x28, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00
0x0011E194: Steady Aim - On 0x2C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00 - Off 0x2C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x02

Host Offsets:

JUMP: 0x000E80FC
SPEED - 0x0022807C
FALL DAMAGE:0x000F4974

squads Members and pestiges:

Prestige = 0x0176d49c
Squad Points = 0x0176d1a4
Score = 0x01768622
Wins = 0x0176864a
Loses = 0x01768601
CurrentStreak = 0x01768ecd
Kills = 0x017685f9
Deaths = 0x017685d1
Killstreak = 0x017685fd
Hits = 0x017685f1
Misses = 0x01768606
Winstreak = 0x017685cd
GamesPlayed = 0x017685e9
TimePlayed = 0x0176863e
Extinction Prestige = 0x0176fc9a
Extinction Level = 0x0176fc94
Get Welcome Name = 0x01744988
ClassNamesLoadout1 = 0x0176923b
PrivateClassNamesLoadout1 = 0x0176d7d3
SoldierName1 = 0x01769539
PrivateSoldierName1 = 0x0176dad1
PrimaryGunClass1 = 0x01769256
PrivatePrimaryGunClass1 = 0x0176d7ee
SecondaryGunClass1 = 0x01769264
PrivateSecondaryGunClass1 = 0x0176d7fc
XPPerSoldier = 0x0176955a
Patches = 0x01769554
PrivatePatches = 0x0176daec
Backgrounds = 0x01769558
PrivateBackgrounds = 0x0176daf0
Uniform = 0x01769552
PrivateUniform = 0x0176daea
Head = 0x0176954e
PrivateHead = 0x0176dae6
Reticle = 0x01769254
PrivateReticle = 0x0176d7ec
Camo = 0x01769250
PrivateCamo = 0x0176d7e8
AssualtKillstreakInSupport = 0x01769288
PrivateAssualtKillstreakInSupport = 0x0176d820
AssualtKillstreakInSupportResettoSupport = 0x01769276
PrivateAssualtKillstreakInSupportResettoSupport = 0x0176d80e
FixPrivateMatch = 0x0176f854
ExtinctionReset = 0x0176fc85
Resettodefaultallsoldiers = 0x01769238
ResetUnlockOnSoldiers = 0x01769565
LockAllClasses = 0x017693b8
LockAllSoldiers = 0x01769538
FirstKillstreakSoldier1Loadout1 = 0x01769288
SecondKillstreakSoldier1Loadout1 = 0x0176928a
ThirdKillstreakSoldier1Loadout1 = 0x0176928c


SkateMod = 0x00f21c0e
KillPlayer = 0x00f21c0f
InfiniteAmmo = 0x00f22000
UAV = 0x00f24c38
RedBoxes = 0x00f21c13
AutoShoot = 0x00f21eb7
WeirdLaser = 0x00f21c13
Akimbo = 0x00f21f41
NoClip = 0x00f24e1b
Freeze = 0x00f24e1b
ThirdPerson = 0x00f21c13
Godmode = 0x00de1da8

Otros Offsets(Non Host):

Chrome: 0x0046E51B
LOBBY: 0x17449B8
CLAN : 0x0C9D96A

Credits to the Person who found them
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