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PS3 [1.26/SPRX] Serendipity [Version 4.2]



Creds to ImPiff

Changelog: 4.2

Main Menu
- Added animations for online players.
- Added teleporting for online players (individual and all players).
  • New submenu for teleporting.
  • Teleport them to locations, to you, ...

- Added identifier labels to player list. (host, friend, you)
- Added and improved some notifications.
- Added info panels for spawned peds and objects.
- Added reflective map.
- Added smooth water.
- Added wave intensity modifier.
- Added water ripple density modifier.
- Added give infinite ammo to other players.
- Added more walking types.
- Added more animations.
- Added damage/wounds editor.
- Added advanced wheel size changer.
- Added health bar to spawned peds.
- Added drive on air to misc.
  • Added option to change height.

- Restructured weather menu.
  • Added Wind Control
  • Added Cloud Control
  • Added Weather Control (original weather menu)

- Added new particle effects.
- Added trap in cage to player menu.
- Added correct host recognition.
- Added advanced ESP system.
  • Modify colours for different entity types.
  • Toggle snaplines, marker, box and player info.
  • Change box-style (2D, 3D, 2D Filled).
  • Visibility check for player info and 2D filled.
  • Change marker-style, size and set upside-down.

- Added vehicle freeze protection.
- Added tasks protections.
- Added custom modded bounties to misc.

- Improved menu moving.
- Improved teleportation to last/closest vehicle.
- Improved part water area.
- Improved server info to now show FPS and correct host.
- Improved manage object options: xyz and rotation is now done using left-right scroller.
- Fixed on/off labels in IPL control
- Fixed issue with cars sometimes losing control when you are a passenger.
- Removed show apartment exteriors.
- Removed sofa model from money drop models.

Recovery Menu
- Added unlock all trophies.
- Added Godmode.

Older versions:

Don't think this is really necessary. But lemme know if you'd like to see the older versions!

Information on Purchasing:

The following will happen when you buy Serendipity:
  • After your payment, you will be redirected automatically to a page where your license and some other info will be displayed. Please be patient after you made your purchase.
  • If for some reason you missed out on that page or have just forgotten your license, we also send a copy with the exact same information to your e-mail address.
  • If for some reason you didn't get any mail, go on this page where you can re-send or list your license (if your IP Address matches the one you ordered from).
  • There are some issues with some e-mail providers, but most of the popular ones should work.
  • Check spam and All Mails if our mail doesn't show up in your inbox!
Lost your license?
Click here to request your license.
Alternatively, we send an e-mail with your license after purchase has been completed, so just check your inbox.

Referral System:

We have implemented a feature that will let you refer friends and affiliates in exchange for a Serendipity license.

If you have purchased Serendipity, you can use our premium referral system that requires 5 referrals:
Serendipity | Premium Referral System!

If you haven't purchased Serendipity, you can use our public referral system that requires 7 referrals:
Serendipity | Referral System!

We also had a signature designed. Wear the signature around on whatever forums you are on to support us and/or NGU!
Serendipity Signature Code

Purchase Serendipity Here:



Simply Press On The Serendipity Image at the top and you will be re-directed to the same link in a new tab!

Dev: Joren;)

Last edited:
thats bs... they banned me for "sharing it" and i had a vpn on..... made a report and never got answered -.- and now " VPN Friendly? " **** off

Creds to ImPiff

Changelog: 4.2

Main Menu
- Added animations for online players.
- Added teleporting for online players (individual and all players).

  • New submenu for teleporting.
    Teleport them to locations, to you, ...

- Added identifier labels to player list. (host, friend, you)
- Added and improved some notifications.
- Added info panels for spawned peds and objects.
- Added reflective map.
- Added smooth water.
- Added wave intensity modifier.
- Added water ripple density modifier.
- Added give infinite ammo to other players.
- Added more walking types.
- Added more animations.
- Added damage/wounds editor.
- Added advanced wheel size changer.
- Added health bar to spawned peds.
- Added drive on air to misc.

  • Added option to change height.

- Restructured weather menu.

  • Added Wind Control
    Added Cloud Control
    Added Weather Control (original weather menu)

- Added new particle effects.
- Added trap in cage to player menu.
- Added correct host recognition.
- Added advanced ESP system.

  • Modify colours for different entity types.
    Toggle snaplines, marker, box and player info.
    Change box-style (2D, 3D, 2D Filled).
    Visibility check for player info and 2D filled.
    Change marker-style, size and set upside-down.

- Added vehicle freeze protection.
- Added tasks protections.
- Added custom modded bounties to misc.

- Improved menu moving.
- Improved teleportation to last/closest vehicle.
- Improved part water area.
- Improved server info to now show FPS and correct host.
- Improved manage object options: xyz and rotation is now done using left-right scroller.
- Fixed on/off labels in IPL control
- Fixed issue with cars sometimes losing control when you are a passenger.
- Removed show apartment exteriors.
- Removed sofa model from money drop models.

Recovery Menu
- Added unlock all trophies.
- Added Godmode.

Older versions:

Don't think this is really necessary. But lemme know if you'd like to see the older versions!

Information on Purchasing:

The following will happen when you buy Serendipity:

  • After your payment, you will be redirected automatically to a page where your license and some other info will be displayed. Please be patient after you made your purchase.
    If for some reason you missed out on that page or have just forgotten your license, we also send a copy with the exact same information to your e-mail address.
    If for some reason you didn't get any mail, go on this page where you can re-send or list your license (if your IP Address matches the one you ordered from).
    There are some issues with some e-mail providers, but most of the popular ones should work.
    Check spam and All Mails if our mail doesn't show up in your inbox!
Lost your license?
Click here to request your license.
Alternatively, we send an e-mail with your license after purchase has been completed, so just check your inbox.

Referral System:

We have implemented a feature that will let you refer friends and affiliates in exchange for a Serendipity license.

If you have purchased Serendipity, you can use our premium referral system that requires 5 referrals:
Serendipity | Premium Referral System!

If you haven't purchased Serendipity, you can use our public referral system that requires 7 referrals:
Serendipity | Referral System!

We also had a signature designed. Wear the signature around on whatever forums you are on to support us and/or NGU!
Serendipity Signature Code

Purchase Serendipity Here:



Simply Press On The Serendipity Image at the top and you will be re-directed to the same link in a new tab!

Dev: Joren;)

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