Hello CC and thank you for all the help you have provided me in the past.
This tutorial is over GTA5 BLUS->BLES conversion for either DEX or CEX.
This tutorial requires a working knowledge of FileZilla, Multiman and basic PS3 file architecture.
As with any other region conversion, offline game saves from BLUS gameplay will not be available after conversion. You can either convert your old game saves, download new ones, or just leave it alone and play online.
How this method is different from the standard:
-Works with past, current and all future updates.
-Easier, only 3 files to move.
-Actually installs game as BLES, instead of patching a BLUS install. (stability)
-Will require re-installing and up****** game, so it takes a little longer, but a clean install is always a good idea.
-You can delete game data and reinstall the game whenever you want without converting again (main reason I prefer this method)
PS3 running CFW
BLUS GTA5 game disk or clean copy
FileZilla or another FTP client
WinRAR or another .rar extractor
File package - https://mega.nz/#!cINBhBSA!WbNZ7K9OH...Wl5UwICPMk3vdY
So, lets get started
1. Delete ALL old GTA5 game data from PS3.(XMB)
2. If not done already, copy your disk to GAMES (Multiman Copy) (THIS NEEDS TO BE A CLEAN COPY FROM BLUS DISK - if you did the other conversion, and changed any files, you need to delete and re copy the game).
3. FTP to PS3 and locate the /GAMES/BLUS31156-[Grand Theft Auto V], this is where we will be working.
4. Replace the following files with the ones provided in the download (you need to extract it with WinRar first).
BLUS31156-[Grand Theft Auto V]/PS3_DISC.SFB
BLUS31156-[Grand Theft Auto V]/PS3_GAME/PARAM.SFO
BLUS31156-[Grand Theft Auto V]/PS3_GAME/LICDIR/LIC.DAT
5. Rename BLUS31156-[Grand Theft Auto V] to BLES01807-[Grand Theft Auto V]
6. Confirm that you don't have any of these folders in your /game/ folder. If you do, delete them!
BLUS31156, BLUS31156_install, BLES01807, or BLES01807_install
7. Reboot PS3.
8. Go to Multiman and confirm that it now says BLES01807 under the game. Launch game, install, and update. (Make sure your internet is configured and working properly for updates to download. - Log into PSN)
9. Quit game, start FTP
10. Go to your game/ folder and verify you have BLES01807 and BLES01807_install folders. - If you don't have _install, you need to change your EBOOT; check notes below.**
11. For me, this method always seems to also make BLUS31156 and BLUS31156_install folders. Delete these two folders.
12. Launch game and play around a little offline then online (optional).
13. Install your favorite mods.
That's it!
If you need to reinstall GTA afterwards:
1. Delete ALL old GTA5 game data from PS3.(XMB)
2. Launch game, it will install and update as BLES.
**If you are having issues starting the game after up******, please try switching out your eboot(in /game/BLES01807/USRDIR) with the most current bypass. For 1.27.
After you switch out your eboot, the game should launch and start installing.
No special instructions for DEX and you should never get 80010019 error because we aren't currupting an install with this method.
Peace Real
This tutorial is over GTA5 BLUS->BLES conversion for either DEX or CEX.
This tutorial requires a working knowledge of FileZilla, Multiman and basic PS3 file architecture.
As with any other region conversion, offline game saves from BLUS gameplay will not be available after conversion. You can either convert your old game saves, download new ones, or just leave it alone and play online.
How this method is different from the standard:
-Works with past, current and all future updates.
-Easier, only 3 files to move.
-Actually installs game as BLES, instead of patching a BLUS install. (stability)
-Will require re-installing and up****** game, so it takes a little longer, but a clean install is always a good idea.
-You can delete game data and reinstall the game whenever you want without converting again (main reason I prefer this method)
PS3 running CFW
BLUS GTA5 game disk or clean copy
FileZilla or another FTP client
WinRAR or another .rar extractor
File package - https://mega.nz/#!cINBhBSA!WbNZ7K9OH...Wl5UwICPMk3vdY
So, lets get started
1. Delete ALL old GTA5 game data from PS3.(XMB)
2. If not done already, copy your disk to GAMES (Multiman Copy) (THIS NEEDS TO BE A CLEAN COPY FROM BLUS DISK - if you did the other conversion, and changed any files, you need to delete and re copy the game).
3. FTP to PS3 and locate the /GAMES/BLUS31156-[Grand Theft Auto V], this is where we will be working.
4. Replace the following files with the ones provided in the download (you need to extract it with WinRar first).
BLUS31156-[Grand Theft Auto V]/PS3_DISC.SFB
BLUS31156-[Grand Theft Auto V]/PS3_GAME/PARAM.SFO
BLUS31156-[Grand Theft Auto V]/PS3_GAME/LICDIR/LIC.DAT
5. Rename BLUS31156-[Grand Theft Auto V] to BLES01807-[Grand Theft Auto V]
6. Confirm that you don't have any of these folders in your /game/ folder. If you do, delete them!
BLUS31156, BLUS31156_install, BLES01807, or BLES01807_install
7. Reboot PS3.
8. Go to Multiman and confirm that it now says BLES01807 under the game. Launch game, install, and update. (Make sure your internet is configured and working properly for updates to download. - Log into PSN)
9. Quit game, start FTP
10. Go to your game/ folder and verify you have BLES01807 and BLES01807_install folders. - If you don't have _install, you need to change your EBOOT; check notes below.**
11. For me, this method always seems to also make BLUS31156 and BLUS31156_install folders. Delete these two folders.
12. Launch game and play around a little offline then online (optional).
13. Install your favorite mods.
That's it!
If you need to reinstall GTA afterwards:
1. Delete ALL old GTA5 game data from PS3.(XMB)
2. Launch game, it will install and update as BLES.
**If you are having issues starting the game after up******, please try switching out your eboot(in /game/BLES01807/USRDIR) with the most current bypass. For 1.27.
After you switch out your eboot, the game should launch and start installing.
No special instructions for DEX and you should never get 80010019 error because we aren't currupting an install with this method.
Peace Real