All [1.10] Offsets So Far!

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Retired Staff
Active Member
Dec 6, 2013
Name: 0x0176da38
Clan Tag: 0x00cc0189
Elite Clan Tag Color - 0xCC018E
Elite Clan Tag - 0xCC017F
Prestige: 0x179651C
Squad Points: 0x1796224
Time Played: 0x17916BE
Games Played: 0x1791669
WinStreak: 0x179164D
Losses: 0x1791681
Misses: 0x1791686
Hits: 0x1791671
Killstreak: 0x179167D
Deaths: 0x1791651
Kills: 0x1791679
Current streak: 0x1791F4D
Wins: 0x17916CA
Score: 0x17916A2
Unlock All: 0x017958A4
Unlock All Bytes: Here
Level 60 (XP):
Soldier 1 - 0x17925DA
Soldier 2 - 0x1792B3E
Soldier 3 - 0x17930A2
Soldier 4 - 0x1793606
Soldier 5 - 0x1793B6A
Soldier 6 - 0x17940CE
Soldier 7 - 0x1794632
Soldier 8 - 0x1794B96
Soldier 9 - 0x17950FA
Soldier 10 - 0x179565E
Soldier Names:
S10: 0x179563D
Name in Game: 0x00f4751c (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
Clan Tag in Game: 0x00f4758c (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
GODMODE: Offset: 0x00e0462a (+0x280 Client Intervnal)
0xFF , 0xFF - On
0x00 , 0x64 - Off
Spectator God Mod:
Offset: 0x00f44492 0xFF - On , 0x40 - Off (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
Unlimited Ammo:
Use 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF for unlimted ammo or replace with 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x64 for 100 bullets
Primary Ammo: 0x00f449d8 (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
Primary Clip Ammo: 0xF448E8(+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
Secondary Ammo: 0xF449E8(+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
Secondary Clip Ammo: 0xF448F8(+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
Lethal Ammo: 0xF449B8(+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
Tactical Ammo: 0xF449C8(+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
Akimbo Weapon:
Primary Weapon: 0x00f447c1(+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
Secondary Weapon: 0x00f447d1(+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
0x01 - On
0x00 - To take it off
Red Boxes:
Offset: 0x00f44493(+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
0x50 - Red Boxes
0x07 - 3rd Person
0x57 - 3rd Person & Red Boxes
0x00 - To take it off
0x00f475e7(+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
0x01 - UAV
0x00 - To take it off
All Perks And explosive bullets:
Offset: 0x00f44eac
On -
(0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF)

Off -
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3D, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
Offset: 0x00f4779f (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
0x00 - Normal
0x01 - No Clip
0x02 - UFO MOD
0x04 - Freeze
0x00f4449c(x, y, z) (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
Replace with those bytes for "Screamer":
0x00 0x7F 0xC0 0x00 0x00 0x7F 0xC0 0x00 0x00 0x7F 0xC0 0x00 0x00 0xDF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xDF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xDF 0x00
To turn off the screamer you must to suicide.
Kill Client:
Offset: 0x00f4448f (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
(0xFF - Kill)
Skate Mod:

Offset: 0x00f4448e(+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
(0x01 - On 0x08 - Off)
Change Team:
Offset: 0x00f474e3 (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
Spectator Team - 0x03
Ghosts Team - 0x02
Federation Team - 0x01
Stats In Game:
Kills - 0x00f475d2 (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
Deaths - 0x00f475d4 (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
Assists - 0x00f475d6 (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
Score - 0x00f475d0 (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
Captures - 0x00f475d9 (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
Length: 0x2
Lazer and jammer:
Offset: 0xF445A5
0x03 - Give Laser
0x20 - Take Weapons
0x48 - Give Jammer
SV_GameSendServerCommand Commands:
Offset: 0x590EA0
a - No Gun
l - Game Volume (1- Normal 2 - High 3 - Loud 0 - Mute)
e "Print Killfeed"
c "Print Center"
n 10109 = beginnging sound on game
n 5161 = guy saying "free for all"
d 958 "mpintro" 0
r = Kick with error (Exmple: ^1GTFO My Lobby)
n 10299 = guy says "time to work ghost squad"
i - blury (Set i cg_fov 90 for blury, i 0 Turn off)
q Dvar - But the dvars are numbers now.
J Set Vision:
Some Visions For Exmple:
Some Dvars:
q 23 3500 - Compass Size 3500
q 13 90 = q cg_fov 90
q 132 10 = "ICE Screen"
BG_GetPerkIndexForName(const char *perkName) - 0xF5E78
BG_GetWeaponIndexForName(const char *name, void (__cdecl *regWeap)(unsigned int)) - 0x11B1E4
G_GetWeaponIndexForName(const char *name) - 0x292984
SV_ExecuteClientCommand(client_s *cl, const char *s, int clientOK) - 0x5D1868
SV_UnLinkEntity(gentity_s *gEnt) - 0x329D10
SV_LinkEntity(gentity_s *gEnt) - 0x329D90
G_spawn(void) - 0x28EAB8
SV_GameSendServerCommand(int clientNum, svscmd_type type, const char *text) - 0x590EA0
Cbuf_AddText(int localClientNum, const char *text) - 0x2AF8AC
SV_SetBrushModel(gentity_s *ent) - 0x4CE068
sp_script_model(gentity_s *pSelf) - 0x2843C0
G_GivePlayerWeapon(playerState_s *pPS, int iWeaponIndex, char altModelIndex) - 0x29244C
G_SetAngle(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle) - 0x28F4D0
G_SetOrigin(gentity_s *ent, const float *origin) - 0x28F2A4
TeleportPlayer(gentity_s *player, float *origin, float *angles) - 0x24FC98
SV_SendServerCommand(client_s *cl, svscmd_type type, const char *fmt) - 0x62BCD8
SetClientViewAngle(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle) - 0x22F8C0
G_RadiusDamage(float const * const,gentity_s *,gentity_s *,float,float,float,float,float * const,gentity_s *,int,int) - 0x241AD0
CG_BoldGameMessage(int localClientNum, const char *msg) - 0x56685C
CG_GameMessage(int localClientNum, const char *msg) - 0x64881C
SV_GetUserinfo(int index, char *buffer, int bufferSize) - 0x545D7C
G_SetClientContents(gentity_s *) - 0x22B62C
G_LocalizedStringIndex(const char * string) - 0x33580
Dvar_FindVar(const char *dvarName) - 0x52D73C
G_MaterialIndex(const char * name) - 0x3156C
PlayerCMD_ClonePlayer(scr_entref_t entref) - 0x23BCC0
SetClientViewAngle1(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle) - 0x22F8C0
CG_FireWeapon(int, centity_s *, int, ushort, uint playerState_s const *) - 0x69FBE0
CL_GamepadButtonEvent(localClientNum int, int key, int unten, unsigned int time) - 0x18C414
client_s Pointer - 0x23F238
G_Model: 0x28D6AC
Key_isdown: 0x18D888
LocalName: 0x177DA38
playercmd_suicide: 0x23B868
R_AddCmdDrawText: 0x472328
FPS: 0x36B270
G_Hudelems: 0x243C00
CG_Draw2D: 0x1477A8
R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic: 0x4CFD74
GodMode All Clients: 0x23B650
Jump: 0xEB284
Speed: 0x22C48C
SV_KickClient: 0x53CA5C
G_InitalizeAmmo: 0x248988
G_SelectWeaponIndex: 0x290F34
GetViewModelWeaponIndex: 0x11B5D0
SP_scriptbrush_model: 0x284304
function_address = 0x0049F3D0;
SV_GameSendServerCommand = 0x590EA0,
Cbuf_AddText = 0x2AF8AC,
function_address = 0x0049F3D0,
G_SetModel = 0x0028D6AC,
G_Entity = 0x00E04480,
G_GivePlayerWeapon = 0x0029244C,
Add_Ammo = 0x0246BE4,
G_Client = 0xF6D880,
G_Spawn = 0x28EAB8,
SP_script_model = 0x2843C0,
SV_UnlinkEntity = 0x329D10,
SV_LinkEntity = 0x329D90;
g_gametype = 0x01072368,
//CoD Ghosts RPC CEX/DEX - 1.10
#region RPC
private static uint function_address = 0x0049F3D0;
public static int CallFunction(uint func_address, params object[] parameters)
int length = parameters.Length;
uint num2 = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (parameters is int)
byte[] array = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)parameters);
PS3.SetMemory(0x10050000 + ((i + num2) * 4), array);
else if (parameters is uint)
byte[] buffer2 = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)parameters);
PS3.SetMemory(0x10050000 + ((i + num2) * 4), buffer2);
else if (parameters is string)
byte[] buffer3 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Convert.ToString(parameters) + "\0");
PS3.SetMemory(0x10050054 + (i * 0x400), buffer3);
uint num4 = 0x10050054 + (i * 0x400);
byte[] buffer4 = BitConverter.GetBytes(num4);
PS3.SetMemory(0x10050000 + ((i + num2) * 4), buffer4);
else if (parameters is float)
byte[] buffer5 = BitConverter.GetBytes((float)parameters);
PS3.SetMemory(0x10050024 + ((num2 - 1) * 4), buffer5);
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(func_address);
PS3.SetMemory(0x1005004c, bytes);
byte[] memory = new byte[4];
PS3.GetMemory(0x10050050, memory);
return BitConverter.ToInt32(memory, 0);

public static void WritePPC()
PS3.SetMemory(function_address, new byte[] { 0x4e, 0x80, 0, 0x20 });
byte[] memory = new byte[] {
0x7c, 8, 2, 0xa6, 0xf8, 1, 0, 0x80, 60, 0x60, 0x10, 5, 0x81, 0x83, 0, 0x4c,
0x2c, 12, 0, 0, 0x41, 130, 0, 100, 0x80, 0x83, 0, 4, 0x80, 0xa3, 0, 8,
0x80, 0xc3, 0, 12, 0x80, 0xe3, 0, 0x10, 0x81, 3, 0, 20, 0x81, 0x23, 0, 0x18,
0x81, 0x43, 0, 0x1c, 0x81, 0x63, 0, 0x20, 0xc0, 0x23, 0, 0x24, 0xc0, 0x43, 0, 40,
0xc0, 0x63, 0, 0x2c, 0xc0, 0x83, 0, 0x30, 0xc0, 0xa3, 0, 0x34, 0xc0, 0xc3, 0, 0x38,
0xc0, 0xe3, 0, 60, 0xc1, 3, 0, 0x40, 0xc1, 0x23, 0, 0x48, 0x80, 0x63, 0, 0,
0x7d, 0x89, 3, 0xa6, 0x4e, 0x80, 4, 0x21, 60, 0x80, 0x10, 5, 0x38, 160, 0, 0,
0x90, 0xa4, 0, 0x4c, 0x90, 100, 0, 80, 0xe8, 1, 0, 0x80, 0x7c, 8, 3, 0xa6,
0x38, 0x21, 0, 0x70, 0x4e, 0x80, 0, 0x20
PS3.SetMemory(function_address + 4, memory);
PS3.SetMemory(0x10050000, new byte[0x2854]);
PS3.SetMemory(function_address, new byte[] { 0xf8, 0x21, 0xff, 0x91 });

Unknuawn - function address
Choco - For the original RPC
ItsLollo1000 - Addresses
Raz0rMind - Addresses
zSunriseModz - Some Bytes
MoTmrD - Offsets
Crocky - No Host Steady Aim
iMoDz-Baptiste - Playlist Name's + Full auto
coreconfusion - Prestige Offset (Status)
1austin112 - Status Offsets
Mango_Knife - No Host + Clients + Lobby Offsets.


Moderating the Crunch Bunch.
Retired Staff
Community Elite
Community Veteran
Determined Poster
Active Member
Console ID Poster
Apr 6, 2014
Nice Avery! :Grog:


Apr 21, 2014
i have few antiban offsets for cod ghost if you guys want them m me or i can post them here if thats ok/
General chit-chat
Help Users
  • @ lurch6661:
  • @ QM|T_JinX:
    lolyou have to play first
  • @ lurch6661:
    wish i could fix my rank those players are to easy for you to kill
  • @ QM|T_JinX:
    what you mean ?\
  • @ lurch6661:
    like iam level 2
  • @ lurch6661:
    you are like 500
  • @ QM|T_JinX:
    on mw2 im 700 something lol
  • @ lurch6661:
    dont they put you in lobbies with the level that you are at
  • @ QM|T_JinX:
    most of the time ya
  • @ lurch6661:
    did you defeat elden ring
  • @ QM|T_JinX:
    if i play match with you and i joined you change is that for me they will be low lvl
  • @ QM|T_JinX:
    if you joined me you will have a very hard time hahah
  • @ lurch6661:
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