[Beta Release] CodeWizard PS3 1.2.1 (PPC Assembler)
CodeWizard PS3 is a makeshift PowerPC Assembly assembler, disassembler, and emulator (emulates the supported instructions). It allows you to write the assembly and assemble it into NetCheat format, byte array (C#), and a hex string array. It allows for multiple tabs, coloring, labels, custom psuedo instructions, and an auto complete menu.
CodeWizard PS3
Virus Scan
Credits: Renton

CodeWizard PS3 is a makeshift PowerPC Assembly assembler, disassembler, and emulator (emulates the supported instructions). It allows you to write the assembly and assemble it into NetCheat format, byte array (C#), and a hex string array. It allows for multiple tabs, coloring, labels, custom psuedo instructions, and an auto complete menu.
Instructions must be lowercase (addi, not ADDI).
Psuedo instructions must be laid out like so:
Code:Code:Name: sub (what is called) Format: %rD, %rA, %rB (variables in order, can be registers or immediate or labels) Code: subf %rD, %rB, %rA
Usage: sub r3, r3, r4
Translation: subf r3, r4, r3[/code]
Registers prefixes are % and $, but you can have no prefix. Registers must be lowercase.
Decimal values must have no prefix.
Hexadecimal values must have a 0x or $ prefix.
Single line comments start with //
Multiline comments start with /* and end with */
Label declarations must end with : and label referring is just the label name
bl label1[/code]
CodeWizard supports a limited number of operations (this is why it is in beta):
Code:cmplw fadd fdiv fmr fmul fsub fsqrt lbz ld lfs lhz lis li lwz mfspr mtspr mullw mulli nop ori slwi srwi stb stdu std stfs sth stw stwu subf
Conditional branches use labels or offsets. The offsets are relative to the current address.
Unconditional branches use labels or addresses. The addresses are not relative.
Code:Instructions like stw (stw rA, 0xXXXX(rD)) must be laid out like shown. You can't write "stw rA, rD, 0xXXXX" or anything similar.Code:label1: beq 0x4 //Branches if cr0 is equal to the next line bl 0x001ADCC0 beq label1 bl label1
Special Instructions:
"address 0xXXXXXXXX" - Sets the current address in the assembler.
"hook 0xXXXXXXXX" - One time use, sets the passed address to a *branch* to the first "address" instruction (hooks the beginning of the sub to the passed argument).
"hookl 0xXXXXXXXX" - One time use, sets the passed address to a *branch and link* to the first "address" instruction (hooks the beginning of the sub to the passed argument).
"setreg rD, 0xXXXXXXXX" - Sets the register rD to the passed 32 bit immediate. Doesn't have to be hexadecimal.
"hexcode 0xXXXXXXXX" - In the assembled code, the value will be equal to the passed 32 bit value. This is great for unsupported instructions.
"import [PATH]" - Imports the file at [PATH] into the subroutine at assemble time. Puts it after the already loaded imports.
"float [FLOAT]" - Inserts into the assembled code as assemble time the hexadecimal version of the float specified. Ex: float 1.23 => 3F9D70A4
"string [STRING]" - Converts the string into a hex version and inserts it into the code at assemble time. Ex: string aBbCcd => 61426243 :: 63640000
Output Type:
NetCheat format; 2 ADDR8 VAL8.
Byte array: byte[] NAME = { 0xBYTES ... }
Hex string array: BYTES ...
Code:Code:address 0x01020304 li r5, 0x9876 --- NC: 2 01020304 38A09876 BA: byte[] NAME = { 0x38, 0xA0, 0x98, 0x76 }; Hex: 38 A0 98 76
The format must be in NetCheat PS3 format. If it is not then you must use the Conversion form under Tools. Labels and address instructions will be used as much as possible. Only other thing is that it erases the currently open tab if you accept the prompt.
Please understand that the emulator is very basic and is just to find errors in the assembly. It only emulates the assembly.
Registers are completely modifiable during execution and turn red when they are modified by the code. You may switch between the register types by clicking on the lable above the register list. The stack pointer (register 1) is set in the options menu and is defaulted to 02000000.
Controls are fairly simple. Aside from the buttons, you may press F11 to step into. The debug box just displays any errors that occur like unsupported op or invalid memory access.
CodeWizard PS3
Virus Scan
Credits: Renton