Some tools don't separate the time played into all the categories and I found that annoying, so I'm showing you guys how to add proper time played to your tool. This will work for any update just change the time played offset!
Example my tool:
Example my tool:
You will need:
- 4 NumericUpdowns (Day/Hours/Min/Sec)
- Button
Change Numericupdown max size to:
- 214784647
- 23
- 59
- 59
Click on the button twice and add this:
decimal Total = (((this.numericUpDown1.Value * 86400) + (this.numericUpDown2.Value * 3600)) + (this.numericUpDown3.Value * 60)) + (this.numericUpDown4.Value);
byte[] Send = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(Total.ToString()));
PS3TMAPI.ProcessSetMemory(0, PS3TMAPI.UnitType.PPU, ProcessID, 0, 0x0175913e, Send);
Your Done!
How this works:
Time played Offset is based on seconds, so we have to multiply the amount of seconds for each category to the Numericupdowns value that corresponds. Then add them up to get the final value in seconds. Convert that to a byte and send to your PS3.
86400 = Seconds in Day
3600 = Seconds in Hour
60 = Seconds in Min
Each Numericupdown gets multiplied by the number of seconds it corresponds with to get the total and they all get added up and thats what decimal for Total amount of seconds
decimal Total = (((this.numericUpDown1.Value * 86400) + (this.numericUpDown2.Value * 3600)) + (this.numericUpDown3.Value * 60)) + (this.numericUpDown4.Value);
Converters the Total amount of seconds to bytes and sends to PS3!
byte[] Send = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(Total.ToString()));
PS3TMAPI.ProcessSetMemory(0, PS3TMAPI.UnitType.PPU, ProcessID, 0, 0x0175913e, Send);
Please correct me if I missed anything!