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CFW Extras Category V1.0.1


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.... CFW Extras Category V1.0.1 ....

An XMB Mod that Completely Replaces your Network Category with Custom Items

This is a new collection of mods all combined into one "new" category, with all xmls and icons in one place on HDD. It allows for the user to choose exactly which components to install, and they can choose where to install them, and it also allows easy up******/modifying of each component individually.

All mods are translated into Spanish, French, Italian and German in this release (based on system XMB setting), other languages will show English for now..More languages on the way.

The basic idea is that I moved the original network items over to PSN and renamed that to Network, I also cleaned some useless items out of the PSN category.

Download Link - CFW Extras Category v1.0.1

Greedz QMT
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